Mask of the Phantasm

Mask of the Phantasm

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“Ngl, feel like maybe WB could have come up with a studio ident for the beginning of their gritty animated batman film that didn’t feature fucking Bugs Bunny, but you do you lads”

“”You’d need a neutron microscope, it’s identical down to Ben Franklin’s stubble”

Isn’t Franklin clean shaven on the $100 bill tho?”

“”Batman, how did you get here?”

Look, I know Batman’s a kinda mysterious figure, but people have a vague idea what he looks like, nobody is mistaking this knock-off Doctor Doom fucker for him ffs”

“Knock the guy who’s chasing you off the hood of your car: ✅

Look behind you to check he’s definitely not still on your car: ✅

Drive the fuck away before he gets up: ❌

Drive back towards him: ????”

“This film throws us straight into the intrigue of who is this new masked vigilante fella, and then immediately ditches that shit for “many women flirt with Bruce while his ex pines over him”, which is definitely what we all came here for …right?”

“Hang on sorry, is this film, a paultry 8 minutes into its runtime, implying that Bruce had a thing for Andrea because he has a fucking Oedipus complex and she looks like his mum?”

“Yep that’s fine Bruce, don’t untie the security guard or anything, just rescue him from the gunshots and then sprint off into the night”

“Something I’ve never understood about Batman is every single criminal seems to immediately graduate to “ready and willing to commit murder” whenever necessary These blokes are, robbing a place I think? But yeah sure they’re fine with killing cops once things go wrong”

“”I read about your anonymous escapades this morning. Are you sure you won’t reconsider rugby?”

No matter the iteration, Alfred continues to be the best thing about this franchise”

“”Hi woman who I’ve met twice, I’m going to trip you over and pin you to the floor whilst you struggle now”


“Seriously, why is the villain in this just Doctor Doom?”

“”Hey, it’s the bat!”

Okay, that silhouette at least looked marginally like batman this time, I’ll let you off that one”

“Trouble with this is, when Batman’s investigating and talking to himself about the clues he’s found, because it’s Conroy it sounds very similar to the voice lines in the Arkham Games and my brain goes into “ah shit I’m playing a video game what am I meant to be doing again?” Mode”

“Oh hey it’s definitely-legally-distinct Tomorrowlan- uhh I mean visions of the future or whatever the fuck they’re calling this borderline Disney knock-off”

“Idk if it’s just the streaming site I’m using but the audio mixing is awful, the music and sound effects are blaring and the dialogue is barely audible”

“”I know I made a promise, but I didn’t count on being happy!”

Holy angst (and severely undiagnosed trauma) Batman!”

“”You think you know everything about me, don’t you?”
“I diapered your bottom, I bloody well ought to, Sir!”

Alfred. Is. The. Best. Thing. About. This. Franchise.”

“The love interest of the hero is the daughter of the leader of a crime syndicate?

Never seen that before! /s”

“The origin of the Batman Outfit being “bats flew out of a cave when Bruce proposed” is a little less intense than the whole trapped down a well thing they did in the Nolan movies ngl, doesn’t quite hit the same”

“Mark Hamill steals the scene as Joker literally the second he arrives and it’s still criminal that he’s never got to play the role in live action”

“”Honey, I’m home!”

Oh I thought this was before Harley Quinn was introduce- oh no it’s a robot dog. Okay sure.”

“”Batman’s knocking us off and you’re the only one who can take him down!”

I’ve not seen the Animated Series, but this is set after it right? And it introduced a fair chunk of the Batman rogues gallery, many of whom are just as competent as the Joker and far less fucking insane”

“I’m sorry, Andrea figuring out that Bruce is Batman because she saw Batman in the vague vicinity of the Wayne gravesite is fucking ludicrous, especially given he was there to check the fucking mobster’s murder site, not to visit their grave”

“If the masked guy turns out to be that creepy Arthur prick I will scream”

“”Use of deadly force is authorised”


“Hmm yeah, hide behind a wooden box whilst they fire machine guns at you, that’s definitely bulletproof I’m sure”

“Okay, latching the cowl onto the grapple launcher to trick the cops into thinking he’s swinging somewhere else is fucking clever”

“Ohhhh the Mask is Andreas dad, okay sure but isn’t he like 60, that’s a fucking athletic old man”

“I didn’t end up tweeting it cause I thought it was too ridiculous to actually happen, but I fully had “if the pervert growling at Andrea in the flashback turns out to be the Joker I’m gonna be so mad” typed up.

Of fucking course.”

“”It ain’t the bat, I’ve seen the guy, he looks more like the ghost of Christmas future!”


“I’m on the fence about this cause I’m usually of the opinion that giving the Joker any kind of backstory is generally a huge mistake, but this is minor enough that it’s *maybe* okay?”

“Wow, the Jokers toxin is really fucking obnoxious in this iteration huh?”

“Did we skip over the scene where Bruce knew to come to this random apartment and get the Jokers phone call? Or is this Bruce’s apartment, in which case, does the Joker have Batman’s phone number???”

“Also, Batman made no attempt to escape that bomb, and he clearly survives this, so the Joker is just really shit at assassination attempts I guess”

“Wait shit, ANDREA is the mask? Wtf, I actually did not see that coming, fair play”

“Andrea has come closer to defeating the Joker for good in 5 minutes than Batman has in like 80 years

Yes I know the Joker died in the Arkham Games but I’m not giving Bruce credit for that shut up”

“Right are they actually gonna explain how Andrea makes the smoke randomly appear tho? Cause it’s a bit too high in quantity to be like, squibs or shit”

“I’m sorry, the image of the Joker disguising himself as a skyscraper in a model city is fucking hilarious, I cannot handle this 😂”

“Hang on sorry, the Joker is just randomly the villain of this film now? I mean, yeah he’s in it, but this “oh btw I filled a load of tunnels with explosives” plot has just come out of fucking nowhere”

“Okay, we’re not gonna stop the Jokers evil plan either, fuck it this whole area of Gotham just blew up, sure”

“And despite being at the epicentre of the explosion, Bruce, Andrea, and the Joker are all completely fine? I can only suspend my disbelief so far, come on now”

“”I couldn’t save her”

But… We saw her after the explosion, before she disappeared with the Joker, and you saw her too Bruce, why are you assuming she’s dead?”


“The composer’s for this film really did not need to go as hard as they did, fair play to them”

“Well that was Mask of the Phantasm I am so confused by the last like, half an hour of it, but it was enjoyable 😅”

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