Man of the People

Man of the People

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“I’d like permission to transport 2 of our passengers to your ship”
“Of course”

You’re not gonna ask why at all Picard? Just fuck it, yeah sure, come aboard whoever the fuck you are”

“”Ambassador Ves Alkar, and my mother Sev Maylor”

Those are some Star Wars ass names

“”I am grateful for the Federations offer to escort me”

Hold up, what offer, when did they offer, why did they offer”

“Oh, this episode has time for “Worf does Yoga”, it’s gonna be one of those episodes isn’t it?”

“I’m beginning to get the impression that the very top of the TNG Handbook just had “Troi must either be assaulted by, or aggressively flirt with a stereotypically handsome diplomat, or both, at least once a season” written on it in big bold letters”

“”Worf to Commander Riker, can you report to Ambassador Alkars quarters? There is an emergency”
“We’re on our way”

No they do this a lot tho and it confuses me slightly, who the fuck is “we” here? Deanna wasn’t asked to go, she’s got nothing to do with this”

“Oh he’s messing with Troi somehow, what a surprise 🙄”

“”Counselling session with Ensign Janeway”

Wow, she really rockets up the ranks in the next 3 years huh”

“Yeah, what this episode really needed was a multi-minute long scene of Deanna seductively moving her hands all over her skin, thanks for that 🙄”

“Oh please tell me this episode isn’t “Troi fucks her way through the entire ship” please stop doing this to her ffs”

“Oh ffs she’s being rude to her patients too, fuck this episode this fucking sucks”

“Why is Crusher just chilling in Engineering?”

“Ohhhh she’s scheming with Geordi, okay I like that”

“Oh that woman that came aboard with the ambassador wasn’t his mother was she, whatever the fuck made her like that is making Troi like that too”

“Who the fuck is this Liva woman, where has she come from?”

“I love how Riker goes to Crusher to get the scratches fixed, and Crushers just immediately like “yeah something’s up with Deanna let’s go get her” 😂”

“Fuck me, she stabbed Picard”

“”I don’t care about the customs of Alkars people”

I mean, Crusher is right about all this and she does need to do this autopsy, but that is certainly an interesting way of expressing it 😂”

“”Most of the systems in her body were those of a 30 year old”

Called it.”

“Oh Jesus Christ this guy is fucked up”

“”You’re a coward, Alkar. You exploit the innocent because you’re unwilling to shoulder the burdens of unpleasant emotions”


“Okay yeah, they’ve told Picard and Worf to leave, but is there any reason they can’t just beam Alkar up?”

“”Then Deanna has to die”

Fucking hell Beverly”

“”Alkar has to establish a link with someone else before we revive Deanna”

Okay but you’re just sacrificing somebody else at that point how does that fix anything”

“Wow, that deaging effect on Deanna was uhhhh, quite something 😂”

“Okay so was he like, also stealing his victims youth or something? Why did he age rapidly when they broke the link?”

“Well that was Man of the People. I mean, it had some semblance of an interesting plot, so it’s not as awful as Violations, but fuck me they need to stop doing this to Deanna. Just stop it.”

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