

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“ICYMI: last episode they ran out of power, and then accidentally pointed the ship directly at a sun”

“I’ve said it already, but still really feeling the lack of a proper title sequence for this show”

“”We are having a bad day”

Understating it a little mate”

“Telling everyone that you’re going to do a lottery on which of them gets to survive in a few hours time feels like a really good way of giving them all ample time to think of ways to coup you ngl”

“Oh good, they *are* setting Eli-Chloe-Soldier Boy up as a love triangle like I predicted, great stuff, love that 🙄”

“This feels like a really bizarre and inappropriate time to fuck ngl”

“”I have probably felt closer to you in these past few days than I’ve felt to anybody”

You have had like 3 lines of conversation, you’ve spent whole episodes with Eli, what the fuck are you on about”

“”What if we used the engines from the shuttle to push the destiny off course”

Mate do you really think he hasn’t thought of that?”

“How to make Stargate Universe more tolerable in one easy step:

“I’m like 99% sure they find some way out if this cause the rest of the show has to happen, but to give this show some credit, it’s doing a really good job so far of making it seem like there really is no hope and all but 17 of them are gonna die”

“I understand the intense fear these people are going through right now but “we can fit more people on that thing” is an intensely stupid argument to be making when you know it can’t sustain life support for any more than this”

“Yeah okay I’ve gotta give this show some more credit, I’ve been ragging on it for the past 4 episodes but the moments of quiet reflection between everyone as they accept their fate are actually really nicely done”

“”How will it happen?”

You do not want the answer to that question Chloe”

“”The look on Telford’s face when you put him down was priceless”

I thought Telford was the guy back at the Pentagon who they keep jumping into with the communication stones? Not this random other dude who just got decked

“It’s not unrealistic as such cause humans are a species of habit but the idea that in this universe where most of the godly pantheons are actually alien parasites, a sizeable portion of Starfleet personnel still believe in the Christian god, is humorous to me”

“Okay I know the ancients had technology lightyears beyond our own but no, they are way too close to that sun now, they should be dead”

“No okay, that’s also a plot point, it’s how Rush figured out he was wrong

Is… Is this episode… Good?!”

“Oh fuck it’s charging its power from the star isn’t it

Yeah no this episode is actively good, it took them 5 tries but they did it”

“I’m docking points for “Destiny can survive literally inside the star” tho, that’s a bit OP”

“I’ve been very critical of how dark and dreary this show has been and I stand by it, but it makes the moments of joy and levity like when the shuttle crew learn that the Destiny crew are still alive so much more rewarding”

“Please don’t make “math boy” Eli’s nickname it sucks”

“”Celebrate what, that we’re back where we started?”

No you’re not, you have a fully powered ship now”

“”Unless you knew, that the Destiny was gonna make it all along”
“Cheers everyone”

No fuck off, he absolutely did not, if he did why would he have let you send 17 people off in a shuttle you barely managed to retrieve”

“Well that was Light! Finally, an episode of this show that doesn’t fucking suck. There’s still major problems, the cast is too large and underdeveloped, the gratuitous sex scenes/love triangle nonsense feels tonally out of place, etc, but I’m warming to this show ngl”

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