Journey to Babel

Journey to Babel

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“Oh good the little plastic triangles that pass for medals in this universe are back”

“Bones being unable to perform the Vulcan salute is hilarious to me for some reason”

“Okay, I mean I knew in advance that Sarek was played by the same actor as that Romulan bloke from Errand of Mercy, but I didn’t realise they’d do his makeup literally identically, come on now”

“Y’know, for a race that claims not to feel emotions, Sarek has some very strong feelings about his fucking son”

“”Ambassador Sarek and his wife ARE my parents”

You didn’t think to mention that any earlier Spock?”

“”Offence is a human emotion, Captain”

Yeah, and so is distain Sarek you twat”

“Oh wow, that very early video editing putting Uhura on the computer screen is veeeery shaky 😂”

“Oh hey, is that the first appearance of an Andorian?”

“The Tellarites face mask is so obviously a mask, you can see his human eyes underneath it”

“”On Vulcan the teddy bears are alive, and they have 6-inch fangs”

Well of course they are, nothing can just be normal on Vulcan can it?”

“”They were travelling at Warp 10”

How the fuck did you catch up with them then?”

“Sarek is a sassy motherfucker, I love him”

“Okay so the Tellarite bloke who attacked Sarek is now dead. By the laws of TV Murder Mysteries, that immediately clears Sarek of all wrongdoing”

“Oh it was even done with a Vulcan method, he’s definitely innocent”

“Yep, called it, someone’s trying to take him out too”

“Oh and someone onboard the ship is in contact with that small ship that’s tailing the Enterprise. I know this is 50 years old, but even back then this must have been a trope”

“Bones getting stroppy because Kirk keeps asking Spock and Sarek for medical stuff is hilarious”

“Do Vulcans live longer than humans? Sarek looks like 50 and he’s in his 100s, is he going to majorly outlive his wife? That can’t be fun”

“Some context on why Kirk is beating up an Andorian would be nice please”

“Spock refusing to save his father because he wants to be the one to question the Andorian doesn’t feel very logical”

“”Perhaps you should forget logic. Passion or pain, those are motivations for murder”

Well yeah, but they still have logic dictating them”

“”I can’t risk interplanetary war to save one life”

Well I mean, yeah, but if Sarek isn’t at the conference, that’s not gonna go down weill either is it?”

“I feel bad for it, but I can’t help but laugh every time Chekov says “Wessel””

“”One more hit like that and I’ll lose both of them”

5 seconds later, they’ve been hit twice more, and neither of them are dead”

“Whoever it is piloting that small ship is an idiot, if the plan was always to destroy the Enterprise, and he can do so from a distance, and he thinks the Enterprise is dead in the water, why does he bother to approach?”

“Bones mate, if Kirk is asking you how Sarek and Spock are, spending so long moaning at him for the ship shaking around is a dick move”

“Spock and Sarek taking the piss out of Amanda in front of her for having emotions, is another hilarious moment in a serious episode”

“As is Bones enjoying being in charge of both Kirk and Spock”

“Well that was Journey to Babel! A little formulaic, with a very obvious murder mystery setup, but a very enjoyable episode. Particularly pleased to get more background in Spock’s family, and Sarek is a very enjoyable character”

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