Is There in Truth No Beauty?

Is There in Truth No Beauty?

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“Last episode Kirk kept calling the villain a Gorgon, and now the aliens in this episode are Medusans? Did Gene have a hard-on for this particular Greek myth?”

“”I am Dr Jones”

Dr Jones, Dr Jones, calling Dr Jones”

“”Don’t take that visor off Spock”

Literally seconds later it’s off, fucking come on now”

“This Dr Jones woman is a telepath, and I’m still not sure what the lore on telepathy is in this franchise. There was brief mention to some sort of brain powers in the pilot and this is the only other mention of it to my recollection?”

“”I spent 4 years studying on Vulcan”
“Oh you poor girl”

Bones, behave”

“Oh hey, there’s the first appearance of the IDIC symbol”

“Good to see the return of the tiny plastic triangles that pass for medals in TOS”

“Oh god, Barry is obsessed with Miranda isn’t he?”

“Yeah just grab and snog her without consent Barry, that’ll win her over 🙄”

“Is Barry the earliest recorded instance of an Incel? He is not taking Miranda’s rejection even close to well”

“Apparently his name is actually Larry

Still an Incel tho”

“”we’ll be safe on the boundaries of the universe!”

Yeah cause going there has worked really well before”

“This is twice now that the Enterprise has gone to the boundary at the edge of the Galaxy since WNMHGB, and neither time has it had the same effect it did to Gary Mitchell. Smdh Star Trek canon is ruined 😤😤”

“”when we hit Warp 9.5 we entered the Space-Time Continuum”

Doesn’t the TNG Enterprise go way faster than the TOS Warp 9.5? I’m relatively confident they don’t time travel literally every episode”

“Miranda doesn’t approve of their plan, so their plan to get her out of the way is “look at the pretty flowers”? They really don’t think much of her do they?”

“”Who is to say whether Kollos is too ugly to bear”

The bloke who went insane and then died when he looked at him is probably a good start”

“Also this woman is A FUCKING TELEPATH how is she not aware of Kirk’s plan”

“Bones didn’t think to mention to the others that Miranda is blind at any point?”

“Also she very obviously recoiled visibly when Spock did that “wave my hand in her face” thing lmao”

“”That’s not Spock!”
“You’re surprised to find that I’ve read Byron doctor?”
“That’s Spock!”

Fuck me this show makes me laugh sometimes”

“”you must dissolve the link”
“So soon?”
“There must be no delay”
“You are a wise captain”

Well yeah, there’s been multiple instances of incorporeal aliens stealing human bodies, you can imagine he’d be opposed to the idea”

“The director of this episode had definitely only recently discovered the existance of the fish-eye lens and wanted to use it as much as possible”

“”Whatever happens Bones, don’t interfere”

Kirk says, whilst interfering”

“Okay so I’m guessing Kirk’s accusations to Miranda are true, because it’s this show, but fucking hell did they come out of nowhere. She wants Spock dead???”

“Please for the love of God stop with the fisheye lens it’s painful”

“”I rejoice in your knowledge”

Yeah okay emotions etc but could you try and be more convincing when you say you “rejoice” Spock?”

“Well that was Is There In Truth No Beauty! Another bizarre one, the plots in this series definitely feel weaker overall but I’m having difficulty putting my finger on what exactly it is about them that’s bad. Still, I’m enjoying them overall which is what matters really”

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