The Inner Light

The Inner Light

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“”Not a very sophisticated technology”

That’s gonna come back to bite you in the ass when you spend the entire episode figuring out how to fix what it’s done, Geordi”

“Picard waking up somewhere he doesn’t recognise and just immediately assuming it’s the holodeck is pretty funny 😅”

“”You really shouldn’t go outside!”

Well now of course he’s going to ffs”

“Picard figuring out what’s up and pretending he must just have amnesia so he can get information out of this Batai bloke is surprisingly clever ngl, I’m used to convenient idiocy from characters in this sort of situation”

“From Picard’s perspective this is some weird bodyswap kinda thing, but from Eline’s point of view her husband got sick and then just entirely lost the fucking plot and started talking about star systems and shit, this must be so stressful for her”

“Okay, so she’s got a necklace that’s the same as the probe that did this to them, and Kamin gave it to her, so… Did he make the probe?”

“”The memory is 5 years old now, but it’s still inside me”

Hold up, he’s been there for 5 years?!”

“”Never, in any of the stories you’ve told me, have you mentioned anyone who loved you as I do”

Crusher is gonna be pissed”

“”It was real, as real as this is, and you can’t expect me to forget a lifetime spent there”
“Yes I can. I’ve been patient Kamin, for 5 years I’ve shared you with that other life”

Fuck off Eline leave him be

“This administrator bloke looks untrustworthy as fuck, I’m immediately suspicious of him”

“”You’ll see that this kind of participatory government works for everyone”

Yeah right”

“I’ve noticed every time they try to age Picard up in TNG, such as the 5 years he’s allegedly spent here, they start by giving him *more* hair, which is… Certainly novel”

“Oh god he wants to have a family with Eline, this is gonna be one of those episodes that gives a character a really nice life and then rips it away from them isn’t it?”

“I know it’s a difficult situation but man, Riker is not coping well with the pressures of command, he’s getting proper snappy at Crusher”

“Oh good Batai is dead and they named the kid after him, this episode is a bloody mile a minute istg”

“This girl is definitely Picard’s daughter, she’s just as clever and snippy 😂”

“Oh god they’ve found the planet he’s on and- wait there’s no life there? Where the fuck is he then?

Or is the probe like, a holodeck type thing that all the inhabitants of the planet uploaded themselves to?”

“Wow, Batai grew up into a Tory, that’s a bold choice”

“Okay fine a musician, he still looks like a private school kid tho”

“And of course Picard is the grumpy old man telling his kid he can’t pursue the career he wants”

“And now Eline is dying, poor Picard’s going through the fucking ringer this episode eh?”

“I’m sorry, “put your shoes away” are some fucking awful last words, I know she’s only been around for like half an hour but Eline deserved better than that ffs”

“Super Old Man Picard looks like Super Old Man 11th Doctor from Time of the Doctor”

“How the fuck is Original Batai there hang on”

“Ohhhh, the probe is a uploady holodeck type thing, I was right”

“And young Eline is back too, I get the whole “teach of our society so we’re not forgotten” thing but did they have to do it whilst traumatising the poor man?”

“I do kinda like that there’s no evil plot or villain or anything tho, this is just a nice little self contained story about a society on the brink of its own demise, desperate to be remembered”

“Hang on they found his flute inside it?

So like, was the program designed such that whoever it captured would be drawn to the flute? Cause yeah, the person who’s body he inhabited played it, but assuming the new person would carry that on was a big assumption”

“Picard playing the episode out in his darkened quarters is just a really nice sombre end to that tho, although I kinda wish they’d let it play over the credits rather than having the more bombastic theme crash in”

“Well that was The Inner Light! I don’t really know what to say about that one, it’s just a really nice little self contained story. A little sad, but kinda cosy also, and refreshing to just have a story being told with no real crisis or event to overcome”

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