I, Mudd

I, Mudd

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“”There’s something odd about that man”
“He’s only been aboard 72 hours”

Wow, I wonder who the bad guy could be 🙄”

“Oh god, Spock and Bones are already bickering”

“”Scotty, the intruder is in your area”

Yeah, I think he fucking noticed Kirk”

“Oh fuck me, he’s a robot”

“How did this man get assigned to the Enterprise with no fucker noticing he’s a fucking robot”

“Wait did he just like, sleep in the doorway to the bridge for 4 days? What a prick”

“Oh god, scantily clad android women, I wonder what purpose Mudd could have for them 🙄”

“Come now”
“Swindler and conman”
“Liar and Rogue”
“Did I leave you with that impression?”

Who are you trying to fool here Mudd?”

“Mudd has picked up a very stereotypical posh British accent and it’s making me feel like I’m watching a bad Churchill impersonator”

“500 scantily clad identical android women. Mudd is a fucking pervert”

“”Who caught you?”
“That sir, is an outrageous assumption!”
“Yes. Who caught you?”

More of this humour please”

“”They arrested me”
“Oh, I find that shocking!”

Bones is getting involved too now, I love it”

“This whole scene is hilarious”

“”Of course, I left”
“He broke jail”
“I borrowed transportation”
“He stole a spaceship”
“The patrol reacted in a hostile manner”
“They fired at him”

Kirk please keep giving this man all of the shit, it’s hilarious”

“”Spock you’re going to love it here, the androids talk just like you”

He’s giving as good as he gets, fair play”

“Oh great, Mudd’s still a misogynist”

“Mudd’s outfit in this is swanky ngl”

“”Any opinions?”
“We’re in a lot of trouble”
“That’s a great help Mr Chekov. Bones?”
“Mr Chekov’s right, we are in a lot of trouble”
“Spock? And if you say we’re in a lot of trouble-“
“We are”

It is not Kirk’s day, is it?”

“Okay no, “a cover of self renewing plastic” is too far, these are sexbots, Gene stop being horny on main”

“Is Uhura seriously considering becoming an android?”

“”Harry, you’ll never get away with this”

He kinda already did Kirk”

“Oh of course Chekov immediately decides to become a lord and bone two of the androids”

“Oh ffs, is Kirk going to talk some computers to death again?”

“Kirk, answering “is there anything I can get you?” with ” Yes, my ship” hasn’t worked the last 4 times, why do you think it will now?”

“And the androids turned on Mudd, what a shock 🙄”

“”How do you know so much?”
“I asked them”

Well okay, fair”

“”You couldn’t sell fake patents to your own mother!”
“I fail to understand why I should care to induce my mother to purchase falsified patents”

Never change, Spock”

“Okay fair, Uhura pretending to betray the rest of the crew got me, I 100% believed her”

“Okay, as much as “Kirk talks a computer to death” is a trope at this point, this episode does it hilariously”

“Oh my god, the little curtsey that Scotty and Bones did after the “labouring for eternity” speech was fucking adorable”

“This episode is fucking hilarious what the hell”

“I feel like I’m simultaneously watching the worst and best amdram society at once”

“Oh come on you were doing so well, you’re not ending this on the fucking “everything I say is a lie” paradox after all that”

“Bones is finding way too much joy in Spock being as logical as the androids and yet having to leave them”

“Confining Mudd to the planet of android sex bots doesn’t seem like that big a punishment”

“Well that was I, Mudd! God that one was hilarious, I’m a sucker for some classic Trek humour and this episode had it in bucketloads. Easily a favourite episode of mine”

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