Hot Fuzz

Hot Fuzz

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“I love how deadpan and serious Pegg is in the opening monologue even when talking about fucking cycling proficiency and Santa stabbers”

“Sanford, Gloucestershire is actually Wells, Somerset, which was incredibly disappointing to learn when I moved to Gloucester 😂”

“”With respect, Sir, you can’t just make people disappear”

Yeah, about that Nick”

“”What’s the situation?”
“You know the situation, we’ve been over this!”
“No I meant, here”
“2 people involved, distinct sign of a struggle, complete mess”
“You are talking about here?”


“”It’s Dave”
“Hello there!”

The most mundane lines in this movie still manage to crack me up”

“There’s not enough space here to detail just how perfect the travel montage is so just watch this video:

“”Fascism. Wonderful…”

Edgar Wright is the king of foreshadowing, nobody else should even bother trying”

“Oh god the underage drinkers scene 😂

“When’s your birthday?”
“22nd February!”
“What year?”
“Every year!”


“”Oh, when did you start?”

I can’t even provide commentary on this it’s just all fucking funny”

“Fucking brilliant soundtrack mind, Village Green Preservation Society is an inspired pick”

“The only bit of foreshadowing that doesn’t quite land for me is the “Simon Skinner is so obviously the bad guy that there’s obviously a twist coming” thing

But then the twist still lands well anyway so 🤷‍♀️”

“Something I’ve never noticed before but was kinda jarring, when Frank Butterman shouts “A GREAT BIG BUSHY BEARD”, he leans forward, and it then cuts to a slightly wider shot where he’s fully reclined

Smdh 0/10 film 😤”

“”I could have given you the tour, I’ve been round the station a few times”

Academy Award winner Olivia Coleman’s first of many low-brow sex jokes in this movie 😂”

“I said earlier that the Simon Skinner stuff is too on the nose, but Timothy Dalton absolutely just eats up the role”

“It has just occured to me that they call themselves the NWA for Neighbourhood Watch Alliance, and also that they are literally all white, and now I’m questioning the entire subtext of this film oh god”

“How does Angel know where the Managers office is to march straight there when he’s called for?”

“”May their heads be struck from their shoulders for such dishonesty”

See this is what I mean, every single bit of foreshadowing is expertly crafted to the right balance between obvious and subtle, except for “Skinner is very obviously evil””

“”What’s the matter Danny, never taken a shortcut before?”

The fence gags are one of the best bits of the Cornetto Trilogy ngl”

“Skinner not wanting to press charges because “he becomes just another statistic” would unironically make him a better person than Nick, if it weren’t for the fact that they then kill the kid”

“”I’ve had my top off in this layby”

BAFTA Award Winning Olivia Coleman’s second low brow sex joke in this joke

Also shout-out to “Hehe. Tits.””

“”You wanna be a big cop in a small town? Fuck off up the model village!”

Probably my favourite line of the movie ngl”

“Although it’s closely tied with the “Farmer with an indecipherable accent, a stockpile of guns, and a fucking sea-mine” scene 😂”

“Given that we later learn the sea-mine is, in fact, live, it’s baffling to me that they don’t set it off in this scene”

“”Mr Porter, what’s your wine selection?”
“Well there’s, red… Or…. White.”


“”I don’t remember a time when I didn’t want to be a police officer. Apart from the summer of 1979 when I wanted to be Kermit the Frog”

If Angel is supposed to be Peggs age, he was 9 years old in 1979, that’s a little old to still want to be one a Muppet isn’t it?”

“I refuse to believe Edgar Wright didn’t intentionally ramp up the homoerotic subtext between Nick and Danny, those two definitely became a gay cop duo after the film”

“”I dunno, I quite like a little midnight gobble”

3rd low-brow sex joke from Emmy Award Winner Olivia Coleman

It’s a good thing she’s won so many different types of awards or this repeated tweet joke would have stopped working a while ago 😂”

“”Take out all the little people, you get to waltz off with the cuddly monkey”

This is like the 50th time I’ve seen this film and I’ve only just realised that’s ALSO foreshadowing for the finale”

“Tim Messenger’s little “Hi” before his head fucking implodes is so jarring”

“”Has anything I’ve said in the past 2 weeks sunk into that thick head of yours”

Jesus Nick, that’s a bit harsh”

“”Thanks for the monkey”
“It’s yours, innit”
“I won it for you”

See, there’s no way these two aren’t gay”

“Nick using the sirens in his car to get Danny’s present is a nice subtle touch that he’s loosening up and cares a little less about the rules”

“”Covering your tracks with a judicial application of bacon and beans”

Some of the dialogue in this film is fucking baffling 😂”

“Lurch getting mesmerised by the fucking Monkey teddy is brilliant 😂”

“Danny is so clueless and adorable I love him 😂”

“Bonum Commune Communitatis is such a fucking cool sounding chant that I’m willing to forgive the fact that it’s not the truest translation of The Greater Good”

“All the random little details that seemed like background info earlier on, coming together to form the basis of the NWAs crusade is such a fucking satisfying scene”

“I know he’s the bad guy of the film but Frank’s actions are portrayed as an overreaction to the presence of travellers losing them the Village of the Year, rather than his disliking of them being wrong in the first place, which is kinda uncomfortable but I guess common in ’07”


Pegg and Frost have such an iconic dynamic 😂”

“Angel tooling up for the final showdown is such an incredible scene, and the fact that near enough every weapon he picks up gets used later on is brilliant”

“Where the fuck did he get that horse”

“I kinda wanna do an analysis of this film at some point and calculate what percentage of lines in the film are either foreshadowing, or callbacks to said foreshadowing. I get the feeling it’d be a high percentage”

“”Oh… Fuck off grasshopper!”

Is another of the best lines in this film, the vicar is so funny”

“It’s a good job the pub stocked up on bulletproof tables, isn’t it?”

“The shot where everyone starts believing Nick, and him and Danny are stood flanked by the other officers on either side in the pub, is so beautifully shot”

“”now wait Michael, listen listen listen. Is this what you really want?”
“… Yarp!”
“Suit yourself”


“”What’s the situation?”
“Two blokes, and a fuckload of cutlery!”

I fucking love the Andies”

“Nothing like a bit of Girl on Girl!”

Golden Globe Winner Olivia Coleman’s 4th low-brow- no fuck it this bits run its course”

“Hey he fucked off up the model village! If I pointed out every line of foreshadowing in this film I’d be here all day and it’d get very repetitive but I said that was my favourite line in the film so I kinda had to mention this one”

“The scene of Skinner getting impaled on the model church genuinely fucking terrified me as a kid, I thought that was a common enough occurrence that I had to worry about it”

“Pack it in Frank you silly bastard” is possibly the best way to respond to the bad guy continuing to bad guy for this long”


“Getting Martin Freeman, Steve Coogan and Bill Nighy to be in your film and then giving each of them like 2 lines of dialogue and 3 minutes of screen time each is a ballsy move ngl”

“The fakeout with Danny’s death is just fucking cruel”

“God I fucking love that film I haven’t seen it in a while and I was worried my nostalgia was tricking me but no, it really is that fucking good”

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