

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“God fucking damn, straight in with the theme music and it’s so fucking good and creepy and perfect”

“I’m sure this must have been the film to start the trend rather than being cliché itself but “giggling schoolkids too busy getting it on to notice the murderer creeping up on them” is such a trope, I don’t even watch this genre and I know that”

“Woah, nobody told me there’d be gratuitous nudity in th- nvm it’s a slasher wtf did I expect”

“How old is Michael supposed to be in this opening scene? Like, 12? That’s one messed up kid”

(Comments clarified he’s actually meant to be 6)

“”Don’t you think we should refer to it as him?”

This is the 70’s, why are you surprised at people dehumanising mental health patients?”

“Hey, all the murderous patients from this hospital are roaming the yard when they shouldn’t be, I know, I’ll GET OUT OF THE CAR AND WALK ACROSS AN EXPOSED DRIVEWAY”

“I’m sure in the 70’s this was high art but some of the pacing in this is pretty funny from a modern lense, Michael just stepping in front of the camera and doing his best Darth Vader is not as impactful as maybe it used to be”

“This film is doing a great job at slow burn suspense, we’ve not even seen the damn mask yet but it’s getting creepier and creepier”

“Fair play to Laurie for being one of the few horror movie protagonists to immediately clock that something’s going on tho, she immediately notices Michaels car following her round”

“I mean I know we’re not supposed to judge people or anything but I do feel like a boiler suit and a William Shatner mask are a little conspicuous and this is a white picket fence neighbourhood, some busybody is reporting him to the police the moment they see him come on”

“Laurie was really asking to end up in a horror movie when she bought that fucking doll ngl”

“Come on, having Don’t Fear The Reaper playing in the car is overkill 😂”

“Laurie’s friend’s dad is a pretty shit cop if he can’t smell the weed she LITERALLY just stopped smoking in her car, jesus”

“Every time that theme music kicks in I get incredibly anxious FUCK it’s so GOOD”

“If Michael killed his sister when he was 6, and presumably he’s been locked up permanently since then, do you think he even knows what Halloween is? I don’t remember shit from when I was 6 and I doubt they gave him a calendar in the hospital”

“”Tarantula Man” has to be the shittest comic book ever, this kid has poor taste”

“Is there a rule that every female character in this film has to take her top off once or something?”

“Lester the Dog is the most devastating death in this movie, I’m calling it right now”

“The lead up to what I assume is Laurie’s friend about to die is so long but fuck me they do a good job of keeping up the suspense, jesus”

“Jesus okay this is getting a bit ridiculous Michael, kill Annie already if you’re going to”

“The scoring in this film is incredible, with the exception of what sounded like someone letting off a fucking whoopie cushion as a sting when Myers appears 😂”

“Okay she’s dumped the kid on Laurie, Annie has to die now right?”

“Maybe this is the point and Myers is in the house, but Annie did not turn the TV off before leaving and it’s off when she gets back”

“Wow, Myers is actually not that good at murdering, it took ages for him to kill Annie once he’d got her”

“”Nobody believes me!”

Tommy mate, you’ve literally only told 1 person”

“Loomis scaring the kids away from the Myers house is a tad sadistic 😂”

“”First I rip your clothes off, then you rip my clothes off, then we rip Lindsay’s clothes off, yeah I got it”

Excuse me Lindsay is like 10 wtf”

“Is Myers also a voyeur now or something?”

“Who the fuck puts a jack-o’-lantern on their bedside table wtf”

“”Ohhhh fantastic”

Hun he lasted like 20 seconds, you can do better”

“Yep, stabbing someone through the chest pins their whole body to the wall, they definitely would not slump forwards, 100%”

“Okay I’m sorry no, Myers lost all credibility when he threw a fucking bedsheet over himself and put Bobs glasses over it to pretend to be a ghost”

“Holy fuck, Loomis’ car was like 2 doors down from where he’s been stood all night and he JUST noticed it?!”

“Oh god Laurie’s about to find the bodies isn’t she? I mean, I hope so anyway, there’s only 15 minutes of this left and we’re barely approaching a conclusion or proper third act”

“The audio cut out then so I couldn’t hear Laurie shouting for the others to stop hiding and honestly it made the scene of her walking through the dark house creepier if anything”

“Laurie has a knack for searching every room of this house EXCEPT for the 3 that have bodies in them”

“Okay wtf is with the tombstone. I mean it’s creepy but also, why?”

“Fuck me, for a seemingly emotionless killing machine Myers sure has a flair for the dramatic when it comes to setting up the bodies for dramatic effect”

“How the fuck did he miss and graze her arm she was stood fucking still”

“”There’s a girl screaming “help” on our doorstep, what should we do?”
“Eh, turn the light back off she’ll be fine””

“Also, “there’s a knife weilding maniac trying to kill me, better lead him towards the VERY YOUNG CHILDREN IM BABYSITTING””

“Michael became very suddenly very shit at stabbing people when people meant Laurie. And he’s taken out with a fucking knitting needle?”

“”I killed him”

And then didn’t check to be sure. And left him with the knife. You idiot.”

“I mean, Laurie should be dead right? She’s gotten insanely lucky multiple times and now she’s trapped in a wardrobe with him she should not get out of this alive. I know she does. But she shouldn’t.”

“You gonna actually check if he’s dead this time Laurie? Nope, of course you’re not”

“”kids, there’s a murderer about and I can’t be sure he’s working alone, so what I want you to do is go down the street in the middle of the night by yourselves””

“Laurie ffs he got up again why didn’t you check he was dead”


I mean, for some reason he didn’t pick it up but that’s not the point, you are not cut out for surviving a horror movie”

“Okay Loomis shot him 6 times, but we’ve seen him survive 2 stabbings will somebody PLEASE check he’s fucking dead this time”


“”It was the boogeyman”
“As a matter of fact it was”

Loomis you’re not helping”

“Well that was Halloween! I can certainly see why it’s considered a seminal slasher flick and it is a great film but there are bits that really haven’t aged well. Plus, whilst it wasn’t a trope at the time (I assume) the “protags are fucking stupid” cliché is a bit overpowering 😂”

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