Galaxy Quest

Galaxy Quest

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“My family put me through far too many repeat viewings of Shrek as a child for me to take the DreamWorks logo at the start of a movie seriously in the slightest oh no”

“Why is there a child on the bridge of this st- oh it’s a Wesley joke isn’t it”

“Yeah that convention hall looks about as uncomfortable as I imagine an 80s Sci-Fi convention would have been”

“The only Tim Allen film I remember watching is that Santa Clause one which I assumed was his normal accent, so hearing him sounding exactly like he does playing Buzz Lightyear in this is very jarring 😂”

“”Friend? You stole all my best lines, you cut me out of episode 2 entirely!”

Ohhhhh, he’s Sulu”

“”This fine ship, this fine crew” is this films “risk is our business” I’m guessing?”

“I know it’s meant to be “haha alien speak funny” but my god these guys accents are really grating”

“Ngl I feel like Allen’s character thinking this is all a fan made set up is going a bit far at points, surely he thinks something is up by now”

“This movie is really fun but it is playing a lot of very obvious tropes. The “character drops item and it gets switched with a fake version by mistake” trope is so obvious”

“Okay but she clearly said 5 pods and only 4 people travelled, why did the 1 guy get left behind”

“Okay these aliens basing their society on the old show is hilarious but the ship being an exact replica is very cute”

“Nah I mean, I know the controls were designed based on what the guy did on the show but that doesn’t mean he’d have a fucking clue how to actually fly the bloody thing come on now”

“It has just occurred to me tho, that the ship being an exact replica of the show means all the waffle Allen’s character gave when he thought they were fans, would actually have made sense to the tech they have”

“Pleasantly surprised they didn’t miraculously turn out to be great at this, and their ship did actually just get utterly fucked by Sarris”

“This Engineer guy is 100% high the entire time this is going on”

“”Could you possibly try NOT to hit every single one?!”

God I love Alan Rickman”

“”you broke the ship you BROKE THE BLOODY SHIP”


“Oh god no the aliens laughing is painful make it stop”

“Oh god no the aliens laughing is painful make it stop”

“”you’re not gonna die on the planet guy?”
“I’m not? Then what’s my last name? I’m not important enough for a last name cause I’m the guy who dies!”

Yeah but, this is a TOS Pastiche, and in TOS it’s the guys with no FIRST name that die”

“Please tell me that’s actually genuinely Vasquez Rocks that would be so perfect”

“”could they be the miners?”
“Sure, they’re like, 3 years old”
“Miners, not Minors!”

Fuck that got me, I choked on my laugh slightly 😂”

“”Let’s get out of here before one of those things kills guy!”

Ffs 😂”

“Guys either not making it to the end of this film, or he’s the ONLY character making it to the end of this film, there is no in between”

“Idk who’s playing this Teb bloke but his dedication to the bit is admirable”

“”This is your problem Jason you were never serious about the craft”

Mate, he’s about to be murdered by a rock monster, maybe not right now?”

“Oh of course his shirt got torn off 😂”

“Woah okay, the jubilant celebrations after Allen’s character being saved being cut short by Teb just very bleakly telling everyone how his race got wiped out in the meantime actually hits pretty hard”

“For 1999 the design of Sarris is pretty damn impressive ngl”

“It does occur to me that, with the illusion shattered and the alien people all dying, there is literally zero reason for Rickman to still be wearing that headpiece”

“”come with me, I’ll explain on the way” has “I’ll explain later” from the Doctor Who Curse of Fatal Death special vibes”

“This film does a really great job of not dating itself right up until the point where all the nerds use knock off Skype on their boxy-ass computer monitors with about 5 pixels total”

“”a 13 second time jump to the past”
“Well why 13 seconds? that’s not really long enough to do anything”

Oh come on with the foreshadowing”

“”Are you stoned?”

That’s what I’ve been saying all film”

“”Right on through the Chompers”

What earthly reason is there for that to exist”

“”There’s no useful purpose for there to be a load of choppy crushy things in the hallway”

Excuse me Sigourney, your characters job is to repeat what the computer says, not what I say 😂”

“”Whoever wrote this episode should DIE!”

Okay it’s felt like she’s not had enough to do up until this point but this scene is great”

“No okay, Rickmans reaction when he rescues them all and they all start praising Taggart tho 😂”

“Oh shit not Quellek 😢”

“Rickman using the Grabthar line to make Quelleks passing less painful is a fucking adorable moment, fuck it I love that”

“The crew running onto the bridge all ready to go and like a proper starship crew is an iconic scene, this film is fucking great”

“”Get back on their tail”
“I can’t sir!”
“Why not?!”
“Because they’re coming right at us!”

You know what? Fuck it. This is the best Star Trek film”

“Oh that plan with dragging the mines was very good, I like that”

“It’s occured to me that one of these alien blokes looks a fair bit like how Mike Myers looks in his Cat in the Hat makeup and I cannot unsee that help”

“Ohhhhh, the Omega-13 foreshadow…”

“Woah, badass Mathesar!”

“Fred the Stoner and his alien goth girlfriend are an iconic couple on a par with Spirk, fight me”

“That kids dads newspaper is folded up in an absolutely ludicrous manner that is not how a newspaper works, 0/10 film unrealistic newspaper folding”

“The musical score got distinctly “live action scooby doo films” for a moment there and that is in no way a complaint”

“Oh ffs how is Sarris still alive after all that”

“Okay that’s a fun little “the convention attendees think it’s a special effect” scene but also a really lame death for Sarris after all that”

“Awww, guy got to be security chief on the reboot, that’s cute”

“They really couldn’t give Laliari a better made up human name than “Jane Doe” tho?”

“Well that was Galaxy Quest, and by Grabthars Hammer I can see why everyone loves it (okay I’m sorry 😂)

Nah that’s a phenomenal film tho, absolutely loved it. Nails that sweet spot between parody and legitimate genre story absolutely perfectly, and a stellar cast tops it all off”

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