Friday’s Child

Friday’s Child

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“Ooh, giants with shurikens, this could be interesting”

“Oh god, is this another episode of the Federation and the Klingons fighting for control of a planet?”

“The landing party only landed with a single redshirt, how inconsiderate”

“Oh and he’s already dead, that went well”

“I’m really not sure Kirk is in the right to be blaming Bones for the death of the redshirt here, the bloke pulled a weapon what did he expect to happen?”

“Okay fair play he did apologise tho, that takes it from a weird bit of characterisation to a good bit of character development”

“”It would appear, Captain, that he finds you a disappointment”

How dare he”

“Bones just straight up sassing out the Klingon bloke and saying he’s irrelevant is hilarious”

“I mean, the Klingon ship moves out of range and then they pick up what sounds like a very faint distress signal from an Earth vessel

That’s so obviously a trap right?”

“I know we don’t really care, but are they going to actually give this Klingon a name at any point, or just keep calling him The Klingon?”

“Uncritical support for Captain Scotty”

“I love how they spent the first few minutes of the episode being like “these people are giants, over 7 feet tall”, and they’re clearly just normal people in platform shoes”

“”I’m well aware of a freighters maximum speed Mr Sulu”

Uncritical support for Offended Captain Scotty”

“”You will not touch me in that manner”
“I will touch you in any way or manner that my professional judgement indicates”

Bones, no. Stop it. Bad Bones”


“Spock stumbling across Bones and Eleen in what looks like a compromising position, and just nodding silently before walking off, is hilarious 😂”

“”The sonic disruption will create a rockslide”

No okay fine, if you say so, but that was clearly an explosion”

“”Capellans aren’t Humans”

Thanks Captain Obvious”

“”I’m a Doctor, not an Escalator”

Alright, that one was a stretch”

“”It couldn’t have run away from us sir, not a freighter”

Sulu, he already snapped at you for telling him shit he already knows, don’t push it”

“Why is Eleen suddenly speaking in very broken English and shouting Macccc Coy when she spoke perfect English earlier”

“This is beginning to feel like it was written to give DeForest Kelley an excuse to beat up a woman and then get weirdly close to BDSM with her and I’m not sure I’m comfortable with it”

“”I’ll explain later”
“That should prove very interesting”

Spock, once again, King of the understatement”

“Ah, good to see Chekov’s one major line this episode is him insisting that yet another common thing is actually the product of Russia”


“Ah great, so the very obvious trap does in fact turn out to be, shockingly, a trap, and now there’s a fucking Klingon warship on the way. Brilliant job guys”

“”This is the Commander of the USS Enterprise”

God I wish we got more of Scotty getting to say that”

“And now Eleen is speaking perfect English again wtf is going on?”

“We’re not even getting to see the fight between the Enterprise and the Klingon Warship? That’s very disappointing”

“”I think you’re both going to be insufferably pleased with yourselves”

You tell them Spock 😂”

“Well that was Friday’s Child! There were some really uncomfortable scenes in that one, McCoy seemed a little too pleased to be slapping a woman and holding her by the throat, but all in all a very interesting story, and nice to see the Klingons again”

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