Errand of Mercy

Errand of Mercy

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“Ahhhh, it’s the first appearance of the Klingons”

“”Another Armenia”

Sorry, did Star Trek just recognise the Armenian Genocide a whole 70 years before the United Staes did”

“”Curious how often you humans seem to gain that which you do not want”

Spock they’ve just had war declared on them give them a break”

“The intro music feels anachronistically jolly after “hey we’re at war with the Klingons now””

“We don’t have anyone in authority, but I am chairman of the council of elders”

That sounds an awful lot like a position of authority buddy”

“Why do peaceful civilisations in Sci-Fi always fail to understand the idea that other civilisations aren’t also peaceful and want to hurt them”

“”We can help you learn to feed thousands where 1 was fed before, we can build schools, end disease”

The Prime Directive is curled up and crying in the corner right now”

“Oh wow, the Klingons just looked like humans in this early appearance didn’t they?”

“Kirk and Kor effectively bickering at each other when Kor thinks he’s an Organian is hilarious and tense at the same time”

“You didn’t really think I was gonna beat his head in did you?”
“I thought you might”
“You’re right”

I love the chemistry between these two so much”

“Well that was stupid Kirk, revealing yourself in a room that could very easily be bugged, come on now”

“This episode has used the word “Vegetable” to refer to having no braincells so many times, if it was released today I’d expect Ricky Gervais to have written it”

“”Watch them closely”

Literally 2 minutes later they’ve escaped

Klingons are not good at their jobs”

“God these Organians are insufferable”

“If it’s going to turn out these Organians have some kind of special powers that could have avoided this whole mess, this episode is going a long way down in my rankings”

“Oh for god’s sake they do as well”

“200 of their people were slaughtered, but Kirk and Kor going at each other is what makes them get off their asses?”

“”Well nobody wants war”

Kirk you are stood next to a Klingon”

“Kor responding to the Organians being incorporeal by immediately offering to team up with Kirk to fight them is hilarious”

“Well, that was Errand of Mercy! A bizarre episode, equal parts engaging and infuriating, but ultimately enjoyable. Not the strongest first outing for the Klingons, they’re certainly not an instant hit to be brought back, but the actor who played Kor did the job wonderfully”

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