The Enterprise Incident

The Enterprise Incident

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“Wow Kirk is in a fucking dogshite mood this episode”

“”Entering Romulan territory”

Oh boy here we go”

“Kirk, what exactly are you playing at here”

“Subcommander Tal looks too much like Ben Stiller for me to take him seriously”

“”We give you one of your hours”

See this is what bothers me about references to time, even if the whole of Starfleet adopted Earth timekeeping methods I’m not convinced the Romulans would have any clue what they meant”

“Oh good, the commander of the Romulan ships is a woman, if Kirk doesn’t try to shag her I’ll be shocked”

“”Instrument failure caused a navigation error”

No it didn’t Kirk, you fucked up”

“”We can appreciate the Vulcans, our distant brothers”

Yeah, literally everything I’ve read of Romulans leads me to believe that that’s bollocks”

“”You are being clever commander, that is unworthy of a Romulan”

That’s more like it Spock”


is there any scenery left for Shitner to chew at this point?”

“Spirk stop fighting please”

“Is this Romulan woman flirting with Spock? Stop it, he’s married to Captain Kirk, I’ll fight you”

“”I instinctively used the Vulcan Death Grip”

Do the Vulcans have a grip for everything, Jesus”

“Wait so they were operating on Federation orders after all? Is the Federation fucking insane?”

“Scotty’s S3 haircut continues to make me hate everything”

“Romulan Kirk is fucking cursed”

“For someone who does his utmost to remove all emotion from his actions Spock is remarkably good at pretending to be infatuated with the commander”

“”Why would you do this to me?”

Because you’re a Romulan?”

“”What are you that you could do this?”
“First officer of the Enterprise”

You fucking tell her Spock”

“”Spock is getting away, I better grab him so that as well as losing the Enterprise, I also get taken hostage”

Romulan commander not the cleverest, is she”

“”They have the cloaking device!”

Yeah, but you still saw where they went, just shoot them Tal”

“”It is regrettable that you were made an unwilling passenger. It was not intentional”

Spock has fallen for the commander hasn’t he”

“”I hope that you and I exchanged something more permanent”

Spock stop it”

“Spock insulting Kirk’s Romulan ears because “they do not look pleasing on a human” would make a lot more sense if they weren’t basically the only non human feature on a Vulcan”

“Well that was The Enterprise Incident! The plot of the secret mission to steal the cloaking device felt slightly underexplained, if would have been nice to get a bit more setup for that, but the exploration of Romulan culture was a welcome addition to the lore of the series”

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