

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“Young and Johansen clearly have a history but why the fuck is he only now starting to flirt with her again he’s shown no indication of still being into her yet”

“Oh he was dreaming

That’s arguably worse”

“Is Richard Dean Anderson gonna be in more episodes of this than he was the last couple of seasons of SG-1 lmao”

“Ming-Na Wen is once again carrying every scene she’s in its honestly embarrassing for everyone else in this”

“”I wonder what they’re doing with our bodies?”

Pervert Eli strikes again”

“Why have they turned O’Neill into a prick? O’Neill isn’t a prick, stop it”

“Telford on the other hand is an absolute prick can he fuck off please”

“”The best minds that we have are working on this”

That’s one hell of a jab at Rush, Telford”

“”My name is… Philip. Philip Fry.”

Fuck off Eli”

“Boy, there sure is a whole lot of fucking nothing happening in this episode”

“This scene with Eli’s mum is meant to be super sweet and it’s *kinda* hitting that mark? I guess? But it’s just not quite all the way there”

“”over 80% of the ship is inaccessible without spacesuits right now. With only 2 suits, doing it your way could take months!”

I mean yeah, doing things properly takes time, would you rather blow the fucking ship up?”

“Aaaand you got someone potentially killed, well fucking done Telford”

“Like 90% of the conflict in this show could be resolved if A. Rush wasn’t such a shit communicator and B. People used some common sense and fucking listened to him”

“Next up on the list of B Plots we do not need: Young visits his fucking ex wife *again*”

“I say B plots, this episode is basically exclusively fucking B plot”

“Oh sure, Janelle Monae is in this

For some reason”

“”It sucks for me, cause Senator Armstrong was setting me up with his Wall Street connections, so now that’s not gonna happen”

Yeah and also a man is dead mate”

“B plot we didn’t need #300: Chloe’s boyfriend is cheating in her

B plot we didn’t need #301: Young is fucking his ex wife in Telford’s body”

“”Did you see that girl I was dancing with? She wrote her email address on my hand!”

Even back in 2009 that’s ridiculous come the fuck on”

“”If it makes you feel better, I had a really great time tonight. Do you know the last time a girl that hot told me I was cute?”

Man read the room, she’s bawling her fucking eyes out at you”

“Chloe kissing Eli would be cute if it weren’t for the stupid fucking love triangle they’ve set up with Scott”

“I know Greer must have done something bad to be awaiting court martial at the start of the show but I wish they’d stop teasing it with lines like “with what you did” and just tell us what he fucking did”

“Telford/The IOA’s plan didn’t work? I’m shocked! Absolutely shocked that they didn’t find a way home in fucking episode 7!”

“Wait did Rush rig it to intentionally not work to get Telford to fuck off?

But… but what if it would have worked?”

“”You could have warned us, you scared the crap out of everybody”
“Well I didn’t know who was on my side, did I?”

Why does Rush insist on treating this shit like a game”

“”You think Rush is hiding something?”
“That’s what I want you to tell me”


“Hold up, is that ending trying to imply that Telford is gonna get revenge on Young by fucking his wife? That’s messed up why would you put that in fucking Stargate”

“Well that was Earth Yeah, “Stargate but make it a soap opera” does not do it for me, sorry. Do not care for that episode at all”

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