Day of the Dove

Day of the Dove

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“I mean, Klingons turning up on the planet and Kirk just doesn’t respond, is he really surprised to get slapped?”

“Chekov’s sudden disgust towards Klingons and this whole “they killed my brother” thing makes it very confusing as to why he was so nonchalant when surrounded by Klingons in Trouble with Tribbles”

“Is nobody gonna notice the giant ball of light following them around the ship ffs”

“”The helms dead”

What don’t you understand about the word “Dead” Jim?”

“Oh good, and now everything is swords”

“Kirk buddy, you wanna lock down the deck all the Klingons are on, or are you just gonna let them run free”

“Oh okay, so Chekov’s brother doesn’t exist, that explains the change in behaviour”

“Scotty with his Claymore is equal parts terrifying and arousing”

“McCoy has lost the plot”

“Oh good Scotty’s lost the plot too, and he’s still got the claymore”

“Scotty going ape at Spock and Spock just calmly responding with “may I say that I have not fully enjoyed serving with humans” is fucking iconic”

“Oh god I forgot Chekov was still running around half mad”

“Oh great Chekov is forcing himself on the Klingon woman, Jesus Christ this episode is something else”

“Does Kirk genuinely think just asking Kang to listen to him has any chance of working? He’s a fucking Klingon and you’re in a situation where anger and bloodlust is being artificially heightened”

“Why is intra-ship beaming considered more dangerous than inter-ship beaming? Theyre talking about it being dangerous because they might materialise in a wall but surely that can happen with ship-to-ship too?”

“Well that was Day of the Dove! A bizarre one, not a lot seemed to happen for the vast majority of the episode and the conclusion felt weak. Not bad by any means but not very memorable either”

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