

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“Just having a montage of characters (mostly Rush) explaining the conceit of the show really is not substitute for FUCKING THEME MUSIC

where is the bombastic orchestras of SG-1 and Atlantis ffs”

“Rush would be getting significantly farther in getting people to trust him if he wasn’t so fucking grumpy”

“There’s meant to be 80 people on this ship so why are there only about 15 in the crew meeting”

“”Let’s bring in the next group please”

A. Stop listening in on my livetweet, writers of this episode, and B. That room is big enough for more than 15 fucking people why are you doing this shit in tiny groups”

“Oh please tell me “Eli references Planet of the Apes” isn’t going to become a running gag, that’s 2 episodes in a row now”

“”We still have the question of what to do with the Senators body”

No, you don’t, you can’t fucking get in there that was the entire fucking point”

“Ming-Na Wen is so fucking wasted on this show, give her something to FUCKING DO ALREADY”

“”So. Pretty screwed up huh?”

We are 4 fucking episodes into this fucking show why are we still doing this lame ass “we’re in a situation huh” dialogue”

“Please tell me they’re not setting up an Eli-Chloe-Scott love triangle this show does not need a fucking love triangle”

“”Can you show me how to use that shower you were talking about?”

No, fucking stop it, pack it in”

“Stargate Atlantis earned the right to do “Letters from Pegasus” by having it be the SEVENTEETH FUCKING EPISODE and letting us develop attachments to the cast

Universe doing it in Episode 4 is just yet more copycatting from a better fucking show”

“”What’s it feel like?”
“What’s it feel like on your bare skin?”

This show needs to fucking stop”

“”Ships been flying around for a million years!”

Yeah, with fucking zero systems active, then all of you fuckers turned up”

“Hey wait, they fully just never went back for those 2 people who got stranded on the other planet last episode did they?”

“”We can’t all be Mozart’s right? Some of us are Salieri’s. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, I like Salieri”

Man shut the fuck up”

“Oh they’ve fully just written Chloe as a sex object in this show haven’t they”

“”Does the computer hacking dropout have to save our asses, or are you gonna pull your heads out of yours”

That “computer hacking dropout” cracked the code that got you here in the first place dickhead”

“Again with the fucking Pentagon establishing shots, did NORAD tell them to stop using Cheyenne Mountain or something?”

“A fun game to play when they use the communication device to speak to Earth is to remember that while all this gritty grimdark bullshit is going on, fucking Atlantis is just chilling in San Francisco Bay Also, fuck Cheyenne Mountain why haven’t they moved Stargate Command there?”

“I’m really glad they found time in this episode about the ship losing power for a B plot that entirely consists of “army man tells ex wife he loves her””

“This is also the second time now that they’ve just info-dumped classified information onto a character with zero fucking clearance”

“This knock-off letters from Pegasus crap isn’t getting any more endearing by them repeating it ad nauseum every 5 fucking minutes”

“Even when he’s had sleep and been given good news, Rush is still a fucking grumpy bastard”

“Oh good, the “I miss my ex wife” B plot is wrapped up and we’ve moved onto the “Eli is a pervert and is using the Kino to spy on half naked women” B plot 🙄”

“”How could you let yourself get Jaded to this stuff so fast!”
“I’m not jaded, I’ve just got other stuff on my mind”

Yeah her dad just fucking died Eli, chill”

“Well that was Darkness

Man, idk. The shows getting better, slowly, but I’m having such a hard time caring about any of these people when half of them are assholes and the other half don’t do anything. I’ll stick with it, but I can see why this never took off”

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