Dagger of the Mind

Dagger of the Mind

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“Surely the crew tasked with operating the beaming machinery should be aware of the fact that a Penal Colony will have a security field? That seems like an odd thing to not already know”

“Uhura’s earbud thing is so quintessentially 60’s Sci-Fi, I love it”

“I don’t know what it is about Bones but he’s always so encouraging, like, everything he says I want to believe him”

“Bones intentionally assigning someone Kirk has history with to fuck with him is brilliant ngl”

“Using actors with visible disabilities to portray creepy and evil characters is going to be a recurring theme with these early seasons, isn’t it?”

“Is everyone continually interrupting Helen going to lead to anything, or is it just because she’s a woman?”

“I don’t exactly watch a huge amount of TV so maybe I’m easily pleased, but I must say TOS does an incredible job of making me care about the characters. Bones and Spock are precious and must be protected at all costs”

“Okay the suggestion machine putting those memories in Kirks mind is genuinely slightly terrifying”

“Kirk, if you’re gonna do the fake out and make Helen think you’re stalking her when you’re actually looking at the thing behind her, just say “the thing behind you Helen” instead of terrifying her”

“Oh shit Helen that was brutal, just straight up kick a man into electricity”


“Well, that was Dagger of the Mind! Really enjoyed that one, the plot felt very quintessential Sci-Fi and I’m always going to love an episode with more Bones and Spock interactions”

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