Court Martial

Court Martial

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“Oh god, child actors”

“Okay I get that these people lost a friend when Ben died, but people do die on Starfleet expeditions, why are they all being an utter cunt to Kirk”

“Bones: “oh look a woman just walked in why hello there I’m a friend of the famous Captain Kirk you know”

“Y’know, maybe if Starfleet didn’t employ solely people who are physically incapable of going 5 minutes without starting a fight, they might not have so many issues”

“Kirk flirting with the lawyer from his past who won’t take his case because she’s “busy” is very obvious set up for her being the prosecution, isn’t it?”

“Which begs the question of why somebody with such an obvious past connection to the accused would ever be allowed to act as prosecutor against them”

“Good to see the return of the little plastic triangles that pass for medals in this timeline”

“”How can you dispute the findings of the log?”
“I do not dispute it. I merely state that it is wrong”

Spock, buddy, that’s… that’s what dispute means”

“”It is not possible for captain Kirk to act out of panic or malice”
Mate he literally chased the Gorn across the galaxy with the intention of destroying them, without even bothering to communicate with them first”

“Is there a particular reason Spock is sometimes referred to as a Vulcan, and sometimes a Vulcanian?”

(replies clarified that this is due to the franchise being in its infancy, and not fully fleshed out yet)

“McCoy wearing his medals arranged into the shape of a medical cross is a cute little detail”

“I mean, I know it’s gonna turn out this is a setup somehow, but the video evidence is pretty bloody damning Kirk, you should probably stop being so confident now”

“”Maybe you’ll be able to beat your next captain at chess”
Kirk you’re about to be sent down for murder, stop being so calm”

“The defence counsel in this episode is certainly a character, isn’t he?”

“Oh ffs, did Finney rig the records himself”

“Oh he’s not even dead is he, god damn it”

“”This white sound device” that is a cheap microphone you had lying around on set”

“Finney is a straight up conspiracy theorist isn’t he?”

“Oh look, Kirk’s shirt got ripped, who could have predicted that would have happened?”

“Bones and Spock just refusing to acknowledge Kirk kissing Areel at the end is hilarious”

“Well that was Court Martial! Yet another solid episode, I’m beginning to see why Star Trek took off the way it did. I’m 2/3rds of the way through Season 1 now, and knowing my luck I’ll be approaching some sort of infamous run of bad episodes, but so far so good!”

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