City on the Edge of Forever

City on the Edge of Forever

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“Oh you did not just blow up my man Sulu”

“”Are you sure you wanna risk…”

Bones does not have time for your doubts Kirk”

Bones falling on the syringe is exactly the kind of slapstick-done-serious that I love this show for”

“Oh hey is this the first time Uhura’s been part of a mission?

“Scotty’s here too, almost the full main cast”

“Spock seems genuinely insulted to be called primitive 😂”

“Oh god Bones why did you do that”

“This Guardian thing is being very cryptic and unhelpful here”

“Ohhh we’re doing political commentary on the state of humanities past, I’m a fan”

“”If we can’t disguise your ears, we’ll find some way of explaining them”
“That should be interesting”

You’re not wrong Spock”

“”We’ll steal from the rich and give back to the poor later”

And people say it’s only recent Trek that’s been socialist smdh”

“”My friend here is clearly Chinese” Oh god Kirk that was a choice”

“”At times you seem very human”
“I do not believe insults are within your remit as my commanding officer”

That’s at least the third time this show has done that joke and it does not get old”

“Kirk getting Spock to do things by insulting his ability to do those things is hilarious”

“Oh god Bones is already here isn’t he, that’s how this woman knows about the atom and shit”

“”There’s a room to rent for $2 a week”

God I wish rent was still like that”

“”Captain, I must have platinum”
“I’ve brought you some vegetables”

Kirk is sick of Spock’s shit”

Oh god, Keeler is falling for Kirk isn’t she?”

“Keeler sassing Spock about how attached to Kirk he is, yet another hilarious moment for this episode, this is brilliant 😂”

“Oh god, Kirk is gonna have to sacrifice Keeler, isn’t he?”

“”They’re going to take all that money they spend on war and death, and make them spend it on life”

Yep, that’s why Starfleet ships are full of torpedoes and shit”

“Oh god that guy stole Bones’ phaser, that’s bound to go poorly”

“”I must know if she lives or dies, I must know what to do”

I mean, “what to do” is to stop Bones regardless Kirk, don’t let your feelings for Keeler get in the way”

“Jesus Christ, “Keeler has to die or the nazi’s win WW2″ is a fucking dark way for this to go”

“Ohhhhh, this is where that “she must die” meme comes from”

“So Bones is back to normal now right? So him and Kirk bumping into each other wouldn’t be the worst thing necessarily?”

“Oh god… oh god

That… No I’m not okay with that”

“Well. That was City on the Edge of Forever. Fuck me, that was a sad one. I understand why it’s a fan favourite, and it’s a damn fine episode, but bloody hell it gets dark. Definitely one of the best, but I’m not sure I’d rewatch it all that often”

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