The Conscience of the King

The Conscience of the King

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“The cold open of having an event occur only for it to be a film/play/TV show is another trope we can chalk up to Star Trek’s influence isn’t it?”

“I like the idea of an episode exploring more of the mythos of the universe, Kodos is presumably someone from the Federations past, I like that as a world building tool”

“Can we get a spinoff of the Galactic Cultural Exchange Project where they just show us each species forms of entertainment”

“”Oh look, an attractive blonde woman, time for Kirk to flirt””

“I can’t tell if Kirk is seducing the girl to get to her dad, or if the girl is seducing Kirk to draw him away from her dad”

“Ngl, if someone told me the man who tried to kill him was back, and then that someone was murdered the same night, I’d start believing their story pretty quickly”

“”How did you know this lady was coming aboard?”

“I’m the captain”

Well that’s not really an answer tho, is it Kirk”

“Oh that side eye from Rand, she does not like having another woman of Kirk’s type on the bridge 😂”

“More Spock and Bones, yes thanks”

“Broke: Spirk

Woke: Spones”

“”Has the machine changed them? Made them just people, instead of women?”

Y I K E S”

“Kodos is a Hitler allegory isn’t he.

-Created a destructive event to justify Marshall Law

-Seperated people into camps

-Executed people based on an individual trait

He’s a Hitler allegory”

“Any episode with Uhura singing is instantly made at least 20% better”

“Okay but he quite clearly just sprayed Windex into Riley’s milk. I’m sure it’s supposed to be some space poison and probably not milk either, but my headcanon is he died by drinking Windex Milk”


It was Windex Bones”

“Bones defending Spock when Kirk is having a go at him is just more evidence for my Spones theory and nobody can convince me it’s not a thing”

“Ah yes, just walking up to the mass murderer and shouting “Are you Kodos?” at him is sure to end well Kirk”

“”You’re an actor now, what were you 20 years ago?”
“Younger, Captain”
Sassy fucker”

“”You’re so sure that I’m Kodos”
Well yeah you are repeatedly praising the man and referring to explicit details from Kodos’ reign”

“”There is no mercy in you”

Your father is a mass murderer, I’m not sure he deserves any”

“”We have a match Captain”
“But not an exact match”
Well no, he’s aged 20 years Kirk, he’s probably not going to sound exactly the same”

“Oooohhhhh she’s the murderer isn’t she?”

“Did she just call him Captain Cack?”

“Well that was The Conscience of the King! Thoroughly enjoyed that one, the parallels with Shakespeare made for an interesting juxtaposition with the Sci-Fi elements, and referencing historic events from before the show is set helps build the world out nicely”

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