And the Children Shall Lead

And the Children Shall Lead

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“That’s gotta be one of the quickest “hello [character]” to “oh he’s dead” ever”

“”The enemy from within”

Wrong episode buddy”

“Some sort of mystery thing killing all the adults while the kids are fine? This is just fucking Miri again isn’t it?”

“Is that the first time we’ve seen that UFP flag? It’s not familiar to me at all, does it get used more going forward?”

(It is, and it does not)

“Here now, where the hell did Kirk get that fucking monument/headstone thing for the dead people so quickly?”

“”This planet is uninhabited”

And of course the tricorder chooses that exact moment to pick up a lifeform”

“I’m not gonna lie, for the 60’s that was a relatively forward thinking way of portraying anxiety”

“These child actions are certainly something”

“Nurse Chapel seems so completely confused and out of her depth watching the kids”

“Oh Jesus Christ, it’s Aldi Price Elton John”

“I don’t care how benign you think the kid is, letting him fuck about on the bridge of a Starship is incredibly fucking stupid”

“I appreciate they’re children, but if they have this mind control power, why not just convince Kirk to set a course for Markos XII instead of tricking everyone into thinking they weren’t moving when they were?”

“”It’s time to find out whether this enemy within is down on the planet below, or here with us”

Well given the planet isn’t there, I think that answers that question”

“Wait did they just beam those redshirts into space? That’s a big old fucking cockup”

“”Captain, we are no longer orbiting Triacus”

You didn’t think to check that before beaming the redshirts out?”

“”Our new goal is Markos XII”

That was your old goal, weird ghost man”

“Again, why are these kids able to control everyone in this way except for Kirk, if they got to him they’d win”

“Oh sure, NOW they bother to control Kirk”

“You cannot tell me these men are anything other than lovers”

“”Go away now, go away or we’ll kill ye”

God I know Scotty is being controlled by the kids but fucking hell that’s extreme”

“I’m 99% sure this episode has said the words “enemy within” about 50x more than the episode Enemy Within did”

“”I command here. my followers are strong, and faithful, and obedient”

Yes, and also children”

“Kirk keeps calling this thing a Gorgon, and I’m not entirely convinced he knows what a Gorgon is”

“”Don’t be afraid, look at him”

Kirk says to the small child, as the guy’s face melts, yeah that’s not gonna frighten them at all is it”

“”set course for Starbase 4 Mr Sulu”

Uh Kirk…

You still had a landing party on that planet buddy

You wanna go get them???”

“Well that was And The Children Shall Lead! I can tell I’m doomed to get this episode mixed up with Miri forever, but it is the better of the two. Still, not a particularly strong story and definitely not a favourite”

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