

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“Covering the floor of your set in fog is a brilliant way of disguising how cheap it presumably is 😂”

“”Spock, comment?”
“Very bad poetry, Captain”

Quit your sass Spock, Sulu is still missing”

“Yes, let’s walk confidently into fog so thick you can’t see a foot in front of you, great plan”

“Fuck me, that cat made me jump”

“I refuse to believe Spock doesn’t know what trick or treat is, Kirk definitely jumpscared him on their first Halloween on the ship”

“”I can do it sir, I’m not that green”

You are basically a fucking child Pavel, maybe don’t be surprised when people offer you help”

“Well that was unfortunate wasn’t it, fucking hole in the floor”

“I love how you can clearly see the fucking hinge on that skeletons skull where it’s been used as a teaching tool 😂”

“”What it was that terrifies man most on an instinctive level”

Well none of you have said the word Macbeth yet, so presumably that”

“”They appear to be drugged, Jim”

Well yeah they’re staring blankly and not blinking at all, I’d say so”

“Aaaand suddenly we’re in a palace. Wtf is happening in this episode”

“”Where did your race get this ridiculous predilection for resistance?”

Are we still going with this bollocks about humans being the only rebellious species in the galaxy? It wasn’t convincing in The Cage and it isn’t now”

“”It is of no importance that we are not native to this planet”

Yeah but where the fuck did you get the cat?”

“”He doesn’t know about trick or treat”

Hardly the most important thing right now Bones”

“”I killed the image of him, and he died”

Fuck me, are we doing Voodoo now?”

“God damn it I cannot take Chekov seriously with that fucking wig”

“”You call it magic and science, it seems unrelated to both”

No, it seems pretty magic Kirk”

“Can these 2 magic people quit fucking about and just tell Kirk and Co what the fuck they want?”

“Oh god, this is gonna be one of those things where they only have a corporeal form when perceived by other corporeal beings?”

“Oh ffs Kirk, I know you have a reputation for sticking your dick in every woman you encounter, but she’s an evil alien wizard who’s drained Scotty, Bones and Sulu of their minds, think this through”

“”I can be many women”

No, those are clearly all the same woman with different haircuts, try harder please”

“”The cat is the most ruthless, most terrifying of animals”

I mean yeah, like a lion or something maybe, not a fucking housecat”

How the fuck did he manage to get crushed by the door, what a fucking idiot”

“If she’s choosing how to appear, as a giant cat that can’t fit through the door, why does she not just choose to appear as something that can?”

“Missed the opportunity to give Sulu a saber there, come on guys

I mean, you gave Scotty a fucking mace, give Sulu a saber 😤”

“Oh my god, they’re pipe cleaner people”

“”If we could preserve and study this”
*Immediately fucking dies*

“Well that was Catspaw. I don’t know what the fan consensus is on that one but I certainly did not think much of it. So much of the plot seems to be predicated on the villain doing mind-numbingly stupid or ridiculously inconsistent stuff and the payoff is not satisfying at all”

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