By Any Other Name

By Any Other Name

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“A distress call from a planet with no life forms on it? Wow how original”

“Godlike beings with immense power? You really pushed the boat out on this one Gene”

“Well this is a right balls-up of a situation for the Enterprise isn’t it”

“”There is an energy barrier at the edge of your galaxy”
“Yes I know, we’ve been there”

Wow, rare acknowledgement of the plot of a previous episode there”

“So we’ve gone from an episode of Space Nazis to an episode of Space Fascists? Gene, were you trying to tell us something buddy?”

“”On Eminiar VII you were able to trick the guards with a Vulcan mind probe”

Another reference to a previous episodes? This is most unusual”

“Holy shit, they turned the redshirts into DnD dice”

“Wait, so the Kelvans are basically giant space octopi?”

“We Kelvans have a code of honour, harsh and demanding”
“You have been conquered by us”

Remind me how these guys aren’t just Klingons again?”

“”A quote from a great human poet, Shakespeare”

Ah, but have you read him in the original Klingon, Kirk?”

“”We are in contact with the barrier”

Then why has nobody turned into Gary Mitchell yet?”

“Come on, you directly referenced the last time the Enterprise came into contact with the barrier earlier in this very episode, are you seriously going to ignore what happened last time you went there and pretend it wouldn’t happen this time?”

“Shit, now Uhura and Chekov are DnD Dice too”

“”How shall we defeat the godlike advanced people from the other galaxy”
“Eh, let’s get them drunk””

“And of course the patented Kirk formula of “find the most attractive of the villainous aliens and try to shag them”

“I never knew I needed to see Drunk Scotty until now”

“Umm… When Spock said “Captain Kirk seems to find her quite attractive” the camera is on his face and his lips are not moving at all what’s going on here”

“”I found this on ganymoo-ganyme-ganymede”
“What is it?”
“It’s…well it’s green”

Scotty, that is brown”

“I want a spinoff of the adventures of Scotty visiting various bars around the galaxy and getting very drunk and very frustrated at the lack of Scotch”

“Y’know, just once I’d like to see Bones or Scotty be the one to get the girl and Kirk to be inexplicably salty about it”

“Drunk Scotty is a fucking treasure”

“So this episode is set in 2268, and it takes 300 years to get to Kelvan. Assuming the Kelvans accept the proposal to resettle in the Milky Way when they receive it in 2568, you’d expect the first Kelvans to be arriving in 2868 Discovery Season 3 was set in the 3100’s, and Season 4 continues from there, so presumably the Kelvans are well established in the Milky Way by this point right? What I’m saying is, bring back the Kelvans you fucks”

“Well that was By Any Other Name! Another relatively average episode in my opinion, there’s nothing inherently wrong with it but it didn’t grip me as well as others have. That said, drunk Scotty is the best thing I’ve seen in this show yet 😂”

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