Bread and Circuses

Bread and Circuses

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“The SS Beagle? Reference to the HMS Beagle? Is this going to be an evolution based episode?”

“”Captained by… Captain I believe you know R. M. Merrick?”
“Yes at the academy, he was dropped in his 5th year”

How the fuck did Spock know that then, unless as we all suspect they are in fact gay lovers”

“”Using something I believe they once called video”
“I believe television was the colloquial term”

Oh shut up”

“”Slaves and Gladiators. Are we seeing 20th Century Rome?”

Kirk do you actually know anything about the 20th century? Are you sure you didn’t mean like the 3rd Century or something?”

“Oh wow, Bones has no time for Spock this episode”

“”The Prime Directive is in full effect. No mention of space, advanced technologies, or other worlds”

Maybe don’t wear massive fucking phasers on your hips then?”

“Literally like 5 seconds later the phaser gets nicked, I should be a member of all future landing parties to prevent shit like this”

“”An amazing example of Hodgkin’s Law of parallel planetary development”

And Paramount’s law of using the same set 5 million times”

“Oh good, another Starfleet Person who got marooned on another planet and decided to become an evil dictator”

“”Because, my dear Spock, it is illogical”

Get fucked Spock”

“I realise the answer to this is that it’s easier to depict, but if this is supposed to be “Earth if Rome never fell” then why the fuck aren’t they speaking Latin? Yeah yeah universal translator and all, but Spock specifically says they are speaking English”

“”I’d no idea you were trained, watching you I assumed it was trial and error”

Jesus fuck, Spock and Bones are at each others throats in this episode”

“”What happened to your crew”
“There’s been no war here for 400 years Jim”

That doesn’t answer the question tho does it”

“”The 11 million who died in your Second World War”

That’s a very low estimate Spock”

“”I believe you all swear you’d die before you violate that directive”

Except for all the times when they don’t”

“I realise this Pro Consul bloke has chatted with Merik about Starfleet but did he tell him literally every regulation in the book? He knows far too much is what I’m saying”

“”They’re in trouble, and I’m under orders not to interfere”

And that will last approximately 5 minutes”

“The idea that this whole arena is actually just a set with stock sound effects for cheering and booing is hilarious to me”

“The proconsul guy looks kinda similar to the Tribble salesman from a few episodes ago and its messing with my ability to be immersed in the story”

“Oh boy, Spock and Bones alone together in a cell, this is bound to end well”

“”You saved my life in the arena”
“Yes, that’s quite true”
“I’m trying to thank you you pointy eared Hobgoblin!”

Come on Bones, you were doing so well”

“”You’re not afraid to die because you’re afraid of living. Every day you live is another day you risk letting your human half slip out”

Fucking hell Bones, calm down”

“And of course because this is The Original Series, Kirk finds and sleeps with yet another woman”

“”You’re centuries beyond anything as crude as television”

Are we still going with this nonsense idea that television doesn’t exist anymore, come on now”

“Wow, the “Enterprise turns all the power off” plan really came in at just the right moment to let Kirk escape there”

“Well at least Merik got his redemption at the last moment there, even if he had to die for it. Interesting that Kirk gives Scotty a commendation at the end but doesn’t mention Meriks bravery at all”

“”it’s not the sun up in the Sky. It’s the Son of God!”

Oh for fucks sake”

“Well that was Bread and Circuses! This is another bizarre parallel earth thing that’s just never explained and that will always annoy me, but it’s by far the most fun of them, and the plot remains compelling right up until the bizarre “oh and Jesus is there too” ending”

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