Balance of Terror

Balance of Terror

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“Wait, somebody is getting married on the Enterprise, and they’re doing so IN UNIFORM?!”

“Wait, the Stardate in this episode is 1709? I’m sure an earlier episode had a Stardate over 2000, are these not chronological?

(replies clarified that stardates were largely arbitrary in The Original Series, and that episodes weren’t aired in production order)

“Oh shit Romulans, that’s the first occurrence of an alien species that appears frequently right? Other than Spock as a Vulcan of course”

“This is the first time it’s felt like something in an episode will impact the future of the show, the conflict with the Romulans feels like it’ll be an ongoing issue throughout the series”

“”We’re definitely getting married today, battle not withstanding”

Yeah one of those two will be dead by the end of the episode”

“”Their invisibility screen may work both ways, they might not be able to see us”

Well that’s a pretty naff invisibility screen then, isn’t it”

“No, that’s just a Vulcan, wtf?”

“Oh and of course, Stiles already thinks there’s a spy on the ship so he’s going to accuse Spock isn’t he”

“”Leave any bigotry in your quarters, there’s no room for it on the bridge”
I do love how progressive this show tried to be for the 60’s”

“Also love how, of the 2 operators on the panel directly in front of the Captain’s Chair, Sulu remains there every episode and the other guy never lasts more than an episode”

“I know the Romulans are based on Ancient Rome, but being from a planet called Romulus, twinned with Remus, and calling their soldiers Centurions and Praetors, is a bit on the nose, did they somehow develop exactly as Ancient Rome did?”

“Is this going to be the first ship-to-ship combat in the show? I don’t recall there being any up to this point”

“Spock just slapping the fire to put it out is hilarious”

“The blast from the Romulan ship is outrunning the Enterprise sure, but it’s going in a straight line. Just move to the side damn it”

“Okay, I get that if the Enterprise entered Romulan territory the Romulans would lie and say the humans broke the treaty first, but surely the 4 obliterated human bases on the Federation side of the Neutral Zone would kinda prove otherwise?”

“”I wish I had no responsibility. Why me?”

Well you did agree to captain the bloody Enterprise Kirk, what did you expect?”

“Oh good they have nukes”

“Stiles, stop being a dick to Spock, ya twat”

“Tomlinson died, bloody called it”

“Well that was Balance of Terror! This episode felt a tad slow at times, when they were first tailing the Romulan ship, but getting our first introduction to the Romulans as well as the first ship-to-ship combat made for a very fun watch overall”

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