Assignment: Earth

Assignment: Earth

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“Woah okay they don’t waste any time here, just “yup, by the way we’ve gone back in time to 1968, no you don’t need to know what’s going on””

“Oh hey it’s the same black cat from Catspaw. Please tell me this episode is better than Catspaw. Please.”

“”This is the most critical period in Earth history”

And it’s just a coincidence that this episode is set at the same time it aired, I’m sure”

“Oh god, Spock with the cat is adorable”

“”there will be an important assassination today”

I’m sure it’s been pointed out before but this episode aired like a week before MLK was assassinated, that is some creepy premonition shit”

“Fuck the failed Gary Seven spinoff, I want a spinoff about Isis the Cat”

“Is that thing Gary Seven used to create his fake documents a replicator? If so, is that the first appearance of such a device?”

“Ngl Gary Seven is a pretty compelling character, I’d have watched the spinoff happily”

“If Gary’s magic wall safe can teleport him anywhere on Earth, why the fuck did his 2 agents die in a car accident, surely they could just teleport where they needed to go?”

“Oh great, they beamed people from the past on board again”

“I can’t help but wonder if Roddenberry had been watching a bit too much BBC when writing this episode. “Man from a mysterious planet who protects the timeline and has a small, screwdriver shaped device that scans shit” seems somewhat familiar…”

“Although Doctor Who hadn’t introduced the Sonic Screwdriver yet, so maybe in actuality, Verity Lambert had been watching too much Assignment: Earth…”

“In keeping with the theme of this reminding me of other franchises, this whole setup of Gary Seven infiltrating the launch site feels very James Bond”

“Isis the Cat is the star of this episode, I won’t hear otherwise”

“Why didn’t Gary Seven zap Roberta with his sonic screwdriver and make her go to sleep, her attacking him here is his own fucking fault”

“”Please, he’s telling the truth!”

Roberta you were refusing to believe him like 5 seconds ago what the fuck are you on about”

“I know the Gary Seven spinoff never happened but do we ever find out more about the planet that took his ancestors from Earth and trained them as agents?”

“That ending with Kirk telling Seven he has some adventures ahead is such an obvious backdoor pilot line that it makes me slightly mad the series never happened”

“Well that was Assignment: Earth! A very fun story if a bit short on setup (the enterprise is just in 1968 for reasons unexplored), but it is incredibly disappointing to me that the Gary Seven spinoff never happened”

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