Amok Time

Amok Time

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“Spock’s ill? I won’t allow it, no”

“”You will cease to pry into my personal matters Doctor McCoy, or I shall surely break your neck”

Bloody hell Spock is taking no shit today”

“Oooh, they changed up the theme tune a bit for season 2

I don’t like it”

“Spock buddy, put that knife down”

“Oh hey it’s Chekov, that’s his first appearance”

“Oh good Spock’s commandeering the ship again, that went well for you last time didn’t it?”

“I know this turns out to be that thing where Vulcans need to mate every 7 years or whatever, which begs the question, given Starfleet have been working with Vulcans and had Vulcans on their starships for years: How does Kirk not know this?”

“Okay, they’re trying to justify it by saying it’s kept a secret from outsiders but like, this is a very obvious occurrence, nobody has noticed it in the last 150 years?

“”It’s a matter of biology”
“What kind of biology?”
“Vulcan biology”
“As in the biology of Vulcans?”

Well yes Jim, that’s what Vulcan Biology means

“”The Birds and the Bees are not Vulcans, Captain”

Boy, this episode is full of people stating the obvious”

“”Ask me no more questions, I will not answer them”

*5 seconds later*

“Here is everything you could ever need to know about Pon Farr”

“Given Pon Farr exists to allow Vulcans to have children, can we assume there are little baby Spocks from the last few times he went through this?”

“”I owe him my life a dozen times over, isn’t that worth a career?”

Spirk is strong in this one”

“Oh god, Chapel has a thing for Spock doesn’t she”

“The jokey relationship between Sulu and Chekov better be a recurring thing, they’re hilarious together”

“Spock calling Bones one of his closest friends is cute”

“We’re learning a lot about Vulcan culture in this episode and I am a big fan of it, more of this worldbuilding please”

“”She will choose her champion”

Oh god, I know where this is going”

“Yup, I saw that coming

God damn it Kirk, you had to come along”

“Is Kirk really just going to go along with this without even asking what the actual ritual is? This is going to end up being to the death and Kirk is a fucking idiot”

“”This combat is to the death”

There it fucking is. God damn it Kirk. God fucking damn it”

“There goes another of Kirk’s shirts, I know this is a post scarcity future but Starfleet are gonna run out at this rate”

“So having failed to kill each other with a halberd, they now move on to using a whip? This is like a game of Gun Game with the weirdest weapon order ever”

“This music in this is fucking phenomenal, idk who scored TOS but they did a brilliant job”

“And now Kirk is “dead”, well done guys this was an amazing plan”

“”You may find after a time that having is not so pleasing a thing as wanting”

You do realise you are talking about a person here Spock, I get that the Vulcan approach to marriage is kinda backwards but come on now”

“Kirk doing the “walking up behind the guy who thinks he’s dead” thing is hilarious 😂”

“Omg, Spock’s joy at seeing Kirk alive, I can’t”

“”Merely my quite logical relief that Starfleet had not lost a most proficient Captain”

Shut up Spock, you love him”

“Well that was Amok Time! Another brilliant episode, easily goes straight towards the top of my list of favourites. Getting some additional insight into the culture on Vulcan was long overdue and a little bit of Federation Diplomacy thrown in for good measure too”

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