Air, Parts 1 & 2

Air, Parts 1 & 2

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“Hold up, Ming-Na Wen is in this? If I realised that I’d have watched it sooner 😅”

“This is a very moody intro, is Stargate entering its grumpy teenager era?”

“Oh that guy just got fucking decked by that crate, that’s gonna leave a mark 😅”

“Cutting from “everyone is screaming and shouting and injured” to “discount Jonah Hill is playing discount Mass Effect” is one hell of a tonal whiplash”


“Idk if it’s this show or just Amazon but the volume mixing is ass, is everyone fucking mumbling?”

“The volume issue is especially not helped by the fact that Robert Carlyle, brilliant as he is, fucking mumbles everything”

“”Faster than light, yet not through hyperspace”

Is hyperspace not just the word for things going faster than light tho?”

“”The life support system is failing. We should probably do something about that”

Who told Carlyle to stop acting and pretend to be made of cardboard in this and why were they intent on wasting his talents”

“”Hey, edgy sci-fi is taking off rn, let’s put sex scenes in Stargate. It’s not like we fought tooth and nail to get the nudity removed from the SG-1 pilot because this isn’t that kind of franchise or anything”
I’m not against sex scenes in media to be clear this is just very gratuitous and out of place”

“I just binged through Secret Invasion recently so I’m having a really hard time not seeing Christopher McDonald as a MAGA asshole and he’s playing a senator so I’m not ruling out that he might still be that”

“I am 20 minutes into this episode and I think Eli and Chloe are the only characters who’s names I remember SG-1 and Atlantis both do an incredibly job of making you care about a small handful of characters, this is throwing everyone at me and nobody is sticking”

“”The ancients built the Stargate with 9 chevrons, so it’s gotta go somewhere”

I mean, I know it *does* go somewhere, bit did it not occur to you that they might just have been future proofing it in case they found another galaxy they needed addresses for?”

“I’d really love it if something, like…
…Fucking happened in this episode?”

“”Extreme tension because nobody planned on going on this mission and they’re thoroughly unprepared” is a concept that you can do a hell of a lot with, and it feels like they’ve instead gone with “everything is edgy but nothing is deep””

“Oh hey Carter’s here for a bit, I guess if this episode keeps dangling SG-1 characters in front of my face for 20 seconds at a time it could fool me into caring”

“”It took us 2 years to find this site, the properties are unique, this may be our only chance”

This is the only planet that can dial the 9th chevron… And it’s about to explode… So let’s go through to a place we couldn’t possibly get back from? Huh?”

“”We don’t know what’s on the other side, damn it Rush!”
“Can’t be worse than here can it?”

Discount Jonah Hill obviously didn’t watch SG-1 or Atlantis, it definitely could be worse”

“So part 1 of the pilot, with a runtime of 45 minutes, can be summed up entirely with the sentence “they figured out they could dial the 9th chevron, then got attacked and fled through the gate to the 9th chevron address”

This show might have been good, as 20 minute episodes”

“”Becker, right?”

It does say that in massive letters on his uniform, yeah”

“Y’know what else this show is missing? An awesome title sequence. SG-1 and Atlantis both had awesome title sequences with incredible music. This has a plain star field with a logo and like, 3 notes.”

“Oh shit Rush has those communication stone thingies from the last season of SG-1, that seems incredibly useful”

“Glad to see episode 2 follows in episode 1’s tradition of not actually doing very much”

“”it’s a camera”
“It’s a flying camera!”

Woah, the Ancients really were an advanced civilisations, they invented drones! 🙄

“They’re all mocking Eli for the drone but like, surely it’s a good way of exploring the ship without putting individuals at risk?”

“My biggest issue with this show so far is it’s repeating so many story beats from Atlantis S1 but less interesting

“Oh there’s a problem with life support, oh we’re all exploring the place in small groups, oh the gate won’t work, oh we found some shuttles”, nothings original”

“”Montage of the 2 very injured people being told about the issue that can only be solved by somebody sacrificing their life” is about as subtle as a fucking sledgehammer in telling me how this episode ends”

“”We need to find out people’s skills, abilities”
“It doesn’t take special skills to die of asphyxiation!”

No but it does lose the people with those skills mate”

“”You can’t ask someone to sacrifice themselves, period!”
“Politicians ask military personnel to sacrifice themselves for the good of others all the time””

“Yeah I figured it’d be Armstrong sacrificing himself

Ngl I feel nothing, this is not emotionally impactful at all”

“I really don’t think Chloe absolutely beating the shit out of Robert Carlyle is meant to be funny but fuck me that was hilarious 😅”

“”You must realise, none of this is my fault”

I mean, all of this is kinda your fault mate you could have dialled literally anywhere else when escaping Icarus Base”

“”The Icarus Project was something your father truly believed in”

No he fucking didn’t, he literally said last episode he wanted to reject it until Chloe talking him into it”

“”She probably thinks we’re both dead”

Girl you have been gone like 3 hours”

“Oh the ships called the Destiny

Why is everything so cliche in this”

“”I found it in the database, it’s an 8 symbol address”
“So you can get us back to Earth?”

Or literally anywhere else that uses an 8 symbol address, which at minimum is the entire Pegasus galaxy and probably a fuck tonne of other places too”

“Right so, the Stargate on the planet auto-dialled the Destiny because bla bla resources bla bla autopilot, But don’t wormholes only work one way? They can’t walk through that wormhole it dialled from the wrong side”

“I understand the animosity to Rush, he did get them into this situation, but he’s demonstrated multiple times now that he’s the only person with even the slightest idea what’s going on, can everyone stop fucking undermining him”

“Well that was the Stargate Universe Pilot! I think I’d seen part 1 before and remember really disliking it, but this time around it was just thoroughly mediocre. Part 2 is an improvement, but everything feels discount Atlantis whilst being dark for the sake of it. Lots of potential here but I’m not convinced at all just yet”

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