Air, Part 3

Air, Part 3

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“”We’re not only in a different galaxy, but many, many galaxies removed from our own. What do the planets look like here?”

“Idk, sand I guess?”

Come the fuck on, first alien world of the show and this is the best you could come up with?”

“The gate closed after they went through, so that at least answers my question about the Stargate being 1 way from last time”

“God the dialogue is so dull in this

“We are looking for the dried river bed this salt came from” is the “taxation of trade routes” of the Stargate franchise, except I actually don’t mind the politics of the prequels”

“Why are they using the Pentagon as an establishing shot for when Young uses the stones to contact earth, instead of Stargate Command?”

“So Chloe used the communication stones to contact earth and the body she’s inhabiting for it is going to see her mother to tell her her dad’s dead, but like, surely her mother doesn’t have clearance and won’t have a fucking clue what’s going on? The physical form doesn’t change?

Weir’s Husband didn’t have clearance and she was leading an expedition of world, I refuse to believe the wife of a Senator with vague connections to the program does”

“”Eli I need someone I can trust to lead the second team”
“Truth is, I’m slowing you down and you want to get rid of me”

Okay at least he didn’t fall for that obvious bullshit”

“This show really wants me to care about whether or not they all make it home to their families, and it’d probably be quite effective if I didn’t already know the show got cancelled on a fucking cliffhanger”

“”If I wasn’t being clear, I was giving you an order”

Yeah but he’s not military, I’m becoming a bit of a broken record at this point but: we already fucking did this shit in Atlantis”

“Rush’s whole “the ship dialled this planet for a reason, it must be the only one with what we need” is a really short sighted idea when you remember that said ship is operating on millions of years old data and they know there used to be water here but it’s fucking gone”

“90% of the conflict of this show seems to be “everyone on the Destiny is fucking stupid and undeserving of their expertise”

These people are fucking scientists why is Rush the only one with any semblance of common sense?”

“Oh good, soldier boy is hallucinating Not!Brian Cranston in the sand”

“I take it back Rush is trying to start a fistfight with a trained soldier he has no common sense”

“”We saved his life”

Not if Curtis and Palmer took the fucking dialling device with them you didn’t”

“Scott is now hallucinating a preacher of some kind, which suggests he’s on about as many drugs as the writers of this episode”

“”Well it has not been a pleasure knowing you”

Rush, man, time and a place”

“”Hehe, I have a gun”

This show insists on being taken seriously and then does shit like this”

“What’s with the random jets of steam that go off every time the gate closes on the Destiny? It can’t be decon, the rooms far too big and that jet is far too small”

“I’ve just realised who Scott Soldier Boy reminds me of

Fucking Grant Gustin

I already couldn’t take him seriously as a soldier, now I never will”

“So, they had 12 hours. Scott walked for 7, hallucinating and wandering all over the place. And now Anger Issues Man is gonna not only find him, but get back to the gate with him, in the remaining 5 hours?

“Yeah thanks for the dramatic focus on the countdown clock as if I can fucking read Ancient numbers”

“”Less than 1 minute”

Yeah they’re nowhere near, you’re not gonna convince me they make it”

“”Eli, I want you to stick your arm into the event horizon of the puddle”

It’s kinda demoralising that I predicted that’d be how they solved this like 20 minutes ago but sure”

“Hang on, they had *fuck all* water left even for drinking, but they just filled the scrubbers with water that’s had the lime dissolved into it, where the fuck did they get that?”

“”Hey, my dad died like, a day ago and you nearly died a couple of hours ago. Wanna fuck?””

“Seriously why are they setting these two up as the couple of the show, and why are they doing it right now”

“How the fuck are they not detecting that pod that just took off from the surface of the Destiny at the end of the episode, come the fuck on”

“Well that was Air, Part 3. Just intensely mediocre tbh, there’s not really a lot to say about it. Robert Carlyle continues to fucking carry this show but I’m finding it really hard to give a shit about these characters”

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