A Taste of Armageddon

A Taste of Armageddon

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“”That code means that under no circumstances are we to approach that planet”
“You will disregard that code”

Yeah, Starfleet doesn’t have a good grasp of the meaning of “under no circumstances”, does it?”

“Oh good, it’s the civilisation of “normal humans but with funny hats”, this feels like a staple of early Sci-Fi”

“Wait, so these 2 planets are effectively playing a giant game of battleships and killing themselves if they lose?”

“”There is a scientific logic to it”
I’m really not sure there is Spock”

“Wait, how was Mea declared a casualty when she was in the same room as the landing party and Anan? Is the simulation so specific it simulated a random beam falling on her or something?”

“Scotty is clearly sick of Bones questioning everything with the way he keeps snapping at him 😂”

“I feel like in this early series Vulcans were kind of a dumping ground for “we need someone to have this inhuman ability, let’s give it to Spock and say it’s a Vulcan thing”, he’s telepathic now?”

“”An entrance, but no exit, they go in but they don’t come out”

Well yeah, you’ve already been told they disintegrate themselves, what do you think it is Spock?”

“I know these guys are pissed that Kirk doesn’t approve of their measures, but going “eh fuck it, shoot down the Enterprise, the Federation surely won’t retaliate” seems like a foolish mood”

“Do we get more of Scotty at the helm as the show goes on? He’s brilliant ngl”

“Fox is absolutely going to beam down and immediately get shot isn’t he?”

“God damn it Fox is gullible”

“”The Haggis is in the fire for sure”
Scotty I know you’re Scottish but what in the absolute fuck is that supposed to mean?”

“When holding a man hostage in his chambers, drinking the unknown liquid he’s offering you probably isn’t wise Kirk”

“Oh look, Fox beamed down and was immediately taken to be killed, I never saw that coming 🙄”

“”What are you doing Mr Spock?”
“Practicing a peculiar form of diplomacy”

God I love Spock”

“Would the crew of the Enterprise actually destroy the civilisations on Eminiar or is this some kind of bluff? It seems a bit extreme to threaten millions of civilians”

“There’s a lot said about Shatner’s enunciation and delivery in his career, but you’ve gotta give it to the man, he knows how to deliver a powerful speech”

“Kirk defending his actions by saying even if real war broke out, it would still result in less deaths than the simulated war was causing is some very dodgy morality, is that really that far from the philosophy that lead to Kodos’ actions?”

“Well that was A Taste of Armageddon! Some of the morals felt a bit shaky at times in this one but it’s definitely one of the more enjoyable episodes so far, the simulated war aspect is a very interesting idea to explore and its done well here”

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