A Private Little War

A Private Little War

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“Wait so if Kirk’s been here before as a Lieutenant, why did they not do any of the surveying that Bones is doing now, then?”

“Well shit Kirk you got Spock shot, well done mate”

“”Lucky his hearts where our livers are or he’d be dead now”

I know this has been mentioned in the series before but it really does feel like they went “how can we make Spock feel more alien? Fuck it play Tetris with his organs””

“”He’ll live or die now captain, I don’t know which”

I mean, that’s not much of an update Bones those are literally 100% of all plausible outcomes”

“I mean, this wife of Tyree’s is quite clearly evil right?”

“Okay I already love Dr M’Benga”

“”He is mine now”

Well that’s not menacing at all”

“”When a man and a woman are joined in this way, he can refuse her no wish. But it is only legend”

Yeahhhhh, sure it is buddy”

“”We learned enough to make a rule in our travels, to never let this happen to other worlds”

Except for when it’s more convenient for you. Or just for the lols sometimes”

“”I will make a Klingon of you yet”

That does not seem like a positive outcome”

“If the Klingons are providing the villagers with these flintlocks to destroy the hill people, why are they drip feeding improvements to them rather than just giving them proper weapons?”

“”If only we had a live Klingon to wrap this all up”

Oh come on now, what are the odds one would walk in right at that moment?”

“I mean, I get the whole point of this is blah blah prime directive etc but I really don’t think Kirk is entirely in the wrong to be helping the Hill people here”

“”Since Tyree won’t fight, he will be one of the first to die”

Bones mate, stop being so shitty to Kirk”

“Oh is that really the end of Nona? A village person just slits her throat and that’s it? She was set up as if she’d be a major antagonist and all she did was briefly piss off Tyree by kissing Kirk, steal a phaser and then die”

“”Mr Spock, are you alive?”
“An illogical question doctor, given that you are hearing my voice”

You tell him Spock”

“Wait that’s the end? Is this a two parter or something? Where’s the rest of the story?”

“Well, yeah. That was A Private Little War. I’m gonna be honest that felt like half a story, I don’t know if this plot thread is picked up again at some point but as it is I’m not sold on this episode at all. Easily towards the bottom of the rankings”

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