A Piece of the Action

A Piece of the Action

Each block represents a single tweet from the initial livetweet thread

“Oh god, is this going to be the “why the prime directive is necessary” episode?”

“”This is like coming home!”

Bones buddy, you didn’t grow up in the 1920’s”

“Y’know, when thinking of creating the seminal futuristic Sci-Fi franchise of the 60’s, “Planet of the Eternal Mafia” would be far from my first thought”

“This guy does not know how to play Pool and it is incredibly infuriating”

“Okay, but why did the Horizon have a copy of an encyclopedia of Chicago Mobs from the 1990’s on board?”

“”we may quarrel with Oxmyx methods, but his goal is the correct one”

Umm, not sure I agree with that Spock buddy”

“Spock looks completely fucking done with Kirk’s Fizzbin nonsense 😂”

“”JoJo Krako, I’m the head of the whole southside territory”

Apparently the throat lozenge factory is on the Northside, jesus this man could do with one”

“Holy shit, an episode where a woman flirts with Kirk and he manages to ignore her, is he feeling okay?”

“”Krako’s put the bag on your captain”
“Why would he put a bag on our captain?”

Oh come on Spock”

“I feel like this episode is intended to be the “this is why the prime directive is important” episode, but if they weren’t so strictly following the directive right now they’d have fixed this situation by now”

“People argue that Kirk must be straight because of all the women he flirts with, but did he ever hold a woman at gunpoint and tell them strip? Cause he just told these 2 blokes to, he’s definitely into men”

“Also he’s clearly bisexual because he doesn’t know how to drive the damn car”

“”As a taxi driver, you leave much to be desired”

Understatement Spock”

“”You guys have laws! No interference!”
“Who’s interfering! We”re taking over!”

Starfleet doesn’t Teach English literacy does it?”

“”Spock, are you afraid of cars?”
“Not at all captain, it’s your driving that alarms me”

I feel like my livetweet threads are fast devolving into just a list of lines I find hilarious but there’s so many of them”

“Calling Bones and Spock “Sawbones and Spocko” is fucking perfect”

“That one Boss who’s talking shit on the phone, and then gets beamed over and cries “mother” is too much of a fucking mood”

“I mean they’ve stopped the gang bosses fighting, but they’re all still a fucking mob, it doesn’t feel like they fixed much here”

“”You don’t think it’s logical to leave a criminal organisation in charge?”

I mean it’s worked for most of the western hemisphere for the past few hundred years”

“Well that was A Piece of the Action! A very fun if clearly budget-strapped episode, Kirk playing mobster was equal parts hilarious and atrocious and Spock’s indignation at the whole affair was the perfect foil for it”

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